Bhava -Aishwarya (Self-Reliance)
Emphasis is on attitudinal training and experiential learning. The inclusion of correct bhavas(attitude) when performing yoga asanas is an inno vation of The Yoga Institute. The four main bhavas have a meaningful impact when we are doing or performing any yoga related asana, pranayama or kriyas.
Aishwarya (Self-Reliance) – Sutra 1.13 of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: “tatra sthitau –yatnaḥ abhyāsaḥ” Practice makes a man perfect. When through constant practice of yoga perfection is achieved one will notice an increase in willpower, confidence, energy levels increase and this brings in tremendous joy and positivity in life. When Dhrama, Jnana and Vairagya are followed Aishwaraya Bhava is the outcome.
The Yoga Institute training believes in flowing with nature and we strongly emphasis to imbibing all these four bhavas correctly as it is the true nature of our intellect.
The final position attained with the raised head resembles a fanned cobra; hence the name. The purpose of this Asana is to imbibe the qualities of a cobra – determination, alertness and precision.
Starting position:
The sequence of steps:
Recommended practice: