
What is Sattvic Diet(Satvik Bhojan)?

Bhagavad Gita: What is Sattvic Diet?

The Bhagavad Gita and the Chhā ndogya Upaniṣhad emphasize the profound impact that diet has on our mind, body, and spirit. Satvik bhojan is not just about what we eat; it's about how our food influences our thoughts and nature. According to the Chhāndogya Upaniṣhad, consuming sattvic bhojan purifies the mind and becomes a part of our pure consciousness: “āhāra śhuddhau sattva śhuddhiḥ” (7.26.2). Those with pure minds are naturally drawn to pure, satvik bhojan.

In the Bhagavad Gita (17.7), Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna the significance of diet:

"āhāras tv api sarvasya  

tri-vidho bhavati priyaḥ  

yajñas tapas tathā dānaḿ  

teṣāḿ bhedam imaḿ śṛṇu"

Krishna describes that the food preferences, like sacrifice, austerity, and charity, are of three types: Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. Understanding the distinctions among these can guide us in making choices that align with a balanced and spiritual lifestyle.

Diet & Gunas: Understanding the Three Gunas

To fully grasp what is sattvic diet, we must first understand the concept of Gunas. Gunas are the three fundamental qualities or energies present in all of nature, including our minds and bodies. The three Gunas—Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas—define our health, behavior, thinking, and diet.

Though everyone possesses all three Gunas, their proportions vary from person to person. For instance, Tamas is essential for rest and sleep, Rajas for activity and work, and Sattva for spiritual and mental clarity. A satvik bhojan helps increase Sattva Guna, fostering a healthy body and mind, essential for spiritual growth. Since diet influences us on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, following a sattvic diet is pivotal in progressing on the spiritual path.

What Are Rajasic, Tamasic, and Sattvic Diets?

Rajasic Diet: This diet includes foods rich in spices, flavors, and stimulants such as onion, garlic, deep-fried items, coffee, tea, refined foods, sugary snacks, and chocolates. While these foods provide instant energy, they often lead to stress or energy crashes. A diet dominated by Rajasic qualities disturbs the equilibrium of the mind and body, feeding the body at the expense of mental peace.

Tamasic Diet: A Tamasic diet is characterized by reheated or chemically processed foods, including meat, eggs, alcohol, and cigarettes. A person following a Tamasic diet may experience dullness, lack of motivation, carelessness, and lethargy, often leading to health issues like diabetes, obesity, and liver disease.

Sattvic Diet (Satvik Bhojan): A sattvic diet includes fresh, seasonal fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses, sprouts, dried nuts, seeds, honey, fresh herbs, and dairy products free from animal rennet. This sattvic food list is designed to raise Sattva or consciousness levels. Satvik bhojan is prepared and consumed with love, gratitude, and mindfulness, leading to a calm, peaceful, and balanced personality. It also helps in weight management and is an effective method for weight loss. However, sattvic bhojan can become tamasic if over-processed, stored for too long, or deep-fried.

Incorporating satvik bhojan into your daily routine not only nurtures the body but also elevates the mind and spirit, guiding you toward a more balanced and harmonious life. By understanding what a sattvic diet is and following a sattvic food list, you can align your lifestyle with the principles of health, purity, and spiritual well-being.

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