A true story of By-passing the By-pass (Heart Care)

A true story of By-passing the By-pass- Heart Care by The Yoga Institute

Name: Usha Kamath

Age: 58 years old

Profession: Homemaker

Health Issue: Heart Blockage (30% heart functionality and renowned cardiologist suggested to undergo heart surgery by-pass in 2011)

Q & A with Mrs Kamat-Heart Care at The Yoga Institute or Heart Care with a difference

Q: How did you learn about The Yoga Institute?

A: I heard about The Yoga Institute from my husband who used to visit the place regularly.

Q: State your present age, profession, and ailment

A: Homemaker with two kids and heart blockages and stress. Since 2001 major responsibility, was taking care of ailing husband (due to his health complications.) My ailment in 2011 ECG was done which indicated that only 30 percent of my heart was working due to blockages. I was advised by the attending doctor and renowned cardiologist to go in for heart surgery. I was reluctant and determined to set things right by modifying lifestyle, yoga exercise and dietary changes.

Q: Family history of heart disease, please share the particulars?

A: Elder brothers suffering from heart blockage disorder. 2 Elder brothers have a history of heart blockages and underwent surgery. One of my brother at the age of 52 was diagnosed with 100% blockage and the other brother at the age of 48 was diagnosed with 70% blockage.

Q: How have you benefitted from special yoga women regular class?

A: Yoga teachers were caring and attentive. They gave good direction regarding modifying the diet plan and simplifying yoga asanas as per my condition. I was regular and practised it daily. Daily walk at my pace and food restriction helped me a lot. AVAV (Ahar, Vihar, Achar and Vichar) four fundamentals taught her laid the foundation, and my symptoms improved immensely.

                 Yoga Daily Planner -Certainly helped me

Smt Hansaji’s practical tips came in very handy, and I still follow them every day. I found Yoga Daily Planner book particularly useful. For example- walking is the best and gentle exercise. Then eat everything in moderation (I follow a sattvic diet and eat everything but within limits) She emphasised on routines and rest –I do all the housework within my capacity followed by proper rest. I take home tuitions of small kids as well.

Till date, I attend the yoga class without fail (Unless some major requirement at home since my husband’s health is one of the major concerns at the moment.) But, I enjoy the serenity and peace this wonderful institute has to offer.

Q: What does your latest report suggest?

A: To sum up ECG done in December 2016 indicated normal functioning of left ventricle (please the insert image) and without getting too technical because I do not understand all the details, but Doctors are impressed by my heart function considering my age and other factors from 30% functioning it’s up to almost normal at 50% without any surgery. (60% is the ideal number I have been informed but considering my hereditary factor progress is excellent doctors tell me) Of course, medications prescribed were taken regularly, but Yoga has been my game changer for holistic health.

Check out our Yoga program -Women special weekday classes for holistic health benefits. Click here for details