Bhavas & Yoga

Bhavas & Yoga

Literally, the word ‘Bhava’ stands for feeling or attitude. The conduits of Bhavas lead to a deeper understanding of the higher consciousness.  In the context of achieving the Yogic goal of ‘moksha,’ bhavas play a central role.  The regular and repeated practice of yoga techniques with correct accompanying ‘Bhava’ slowly augments the subtle and gross energies thereby the spiritual experience is more meaningful. The Yogic practices along with the Bhavas of Dharma, Jnana, Vairagya, and Aishwarya leads to personality changes both on the subtle and gross level. Hence, The Yoga Institute lays strong emphasis on attitudinal training and experiential learning.

The inclusion of correct bhavas (attitude) when performing yoga asanas and continuing with correct bhavas even while performing your daily activities is an innovation of The Yoga Institute (TYI). The four main bhavas have a meaningful impact when we are doing our daily tasks or performing any yoga related asana, pranayama or kriyas; this is what differentiates us from the mechanical machines when they do work.

The Four Bhavas are—

Dharma Bhava (Duty)

Sutra 1.2 of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: “Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha”. Our highest duty Dharma is to ourselves to be in a balanced state of mind & to have faith. Maintaining balance all the time in-spite of ups & downs in life is our duty.  We have to become aware of our state of mind even while performing our daily activities and to see to it, that we are always in a positive state. In case, the state of mind gets disturbed our first duty is to immediately balance our mind by making use of techniques of yoga like simple asanas, pranayamas, and meditation. With such a balanced state of mind, you go on about your doing your daily duties.

Jana Bhava (Knowledge)

Sutra 2.6 of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali:Drk-Darsanasaktyoh-Ekatmata-Iva-Asmita” We should make it a habit to try and understand things and gain knowledge about any situation before taking action. We should make it a habit to learn from self-experience as well as others experience. In life, there is either success because work was done well or it is learning there is no such thing as “failure.” But it is observed that as learning increases, the ego increases that’s why we should be cautious that when I learn, it is my learning and when others learn it is their learning. “My truth; your truth” Scope for ego going unchecked is high only through true knowledge one can be free from suffering & pain.

Vairagya Bhava (Objectivity)

Sutra 1.16 of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Tatparam Purusakhyateh Gunavaitrshnyam”  We should learn to be objective in life. We should keep a little distance from any given situation and learn to have a witness like “attitude.” We should learn to surrender to a higher reality and learn to keep our ego aside. All forward bending asana like yoga mudra, chakra asana,  Paschimottanasana help.

Aishwarya (Self-Reliance)

Sutra 1.13 of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: “Tatra sthitau –yatnaḥ abhyāsaḥ”

Practice makes a man perfect. Through the constant practice of yoga perfection is achieved and you will notice an increase in will power, confidence, energy levels increase and this brings in tremendous joy and positivity in life. When Dharma, Jana, and Vairagya are followed Aishwaraya Bhava is the outcome.

Yoga at TYI believes in flowing with nature and we strongly lay emphasis to imbibing all these four bhavas correctly as it is the true nature of our intellect.

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