Ekpadasana &; The One Leg Posture

I resolve to remain equipoised as my goals are set high.

Achieving steadiness of body and mind is the primary aim of yoga. A steady body is a home for health, vitality, and efficiency. Neuromuscular coordination and concentration of mind enable this steadiness. There are Yogic techniques with simple steps that harmonize the body and mind together. Ekpadasana is one such technique.

Method of Practice:

Starting Position

  1. Stand with your feet together and hands by your side.



  1. Using your hands, lift your right leg laterally and press the sole of your foot against the left thigh as high as you can, the heel preferably close to the groin and toes pointing down. For those who cannot lift their legs so high, avoid placing the foot against the knees but rest the foot, wherever comfortable, against the thigh.
  2. Balance your body weight on the right leg.
  3. Once the balance is achieved, join both your palms in a prayer pose. Breathe normally.
  4. Maintain the pose for a few seconds. If your body sways or you tend to lose balance, try to fix your gaze at one point ahead.
  5. Bring your leg down and repeat the same procedure with the opposite leg
  6. Gradually increase the timing of remaining in the posture from a few seconds to one minute with each leg.

Posture Release

  1. Release your hands and bring down your leg to stand with your feet together and hands at the sides.

Limitations / Contraindications:

  1. Severe arthritis, lower back pain, sciatica, sli pped disc, vertigo.
  2. Those with weak legs, lack of or very weak neuromuscular coordination may find it difficult to maintain the posture.





  1. It strengthens the muscles of the legs and spine.
  2. It improves your body balance, endurance, and alertness.



  1. Isometric contraction strengthens your muscle more efficiently and also strengthens the bone it is attached to.
  2. It stimulates many areas of your nervous system.



  1. It develops your sense of equilibrium.
  2. It sharpens your awareness and concentration.
  3. It keeps your mind in the present moment.
  4. It calms the mind.


Muscles Involved

  1. Flexors, abductors and external rotators of the hip and knee flexors of the hip that are bent
  2. Flexors and extensors of the leg that are erect and gluteus muscles

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