Yogendra Garudasana; the eagle pose. It is important to maintain the flexibility of the body for physical and mental health. The suppleness and elasticity of the extremities as well as freedom of movement for the joints contribute in this flexibility. Yogendra Garudasana is an excellent pose which embodies twofold twists of the extremities, at one go. so lets learn how to do Garudasana or the Eagle pose?
Starting position:
Stand erect with hands at their respective sides. Keep the feet together. Keep the neck straight and chest thrown forward. The abdomen should be in normal contour, and the chin drawn in. Focus eyes at one point straight ahead.
Practice with hands only
Garudasana or the Eagle pose
Attain the final position, as explained above, and breathe normally, gaze fixed at the tip of the thumb. Practice with both the limbs, alternately.
Now that you know How to do Garudasana or the Eagle pose? Keep practising