Yogendra Matsyasana- Cultural Asanas–for extremities.
Yogendra Matsyasana; the fish pose – The way of folding the legs in Matsyasana resembles the tail of a fish while the rest of the body represents its body and head. It also enables one to float in water.
Starting position: Sit in Padmasana, Ardhpad masana or Sukhasana, keeping the spine erect, shoulders and head firm yet relaxed. Maintain focus on the purpose of the Asana while maintaining body awareness.
The Sequence of Steps:
Recommended Practice:
Limitations / Contraindications: Severe Arthritis.
So enjoy this summer with this cool Yoga pose – Matsyasana or the fish pose and feel rejuvenated. Learn Yoga asanas from one of the oldest organised Yoga centres in the world.
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