I swim through the waves of time, not depending on the external, but taking sustenance from strengths that lie within.
This posture defines the qualities of a fish. Besides swimming, the ability to float comes easily. It induces relaxation once you are settled in the posture.
Variation 1
Starting Position
Inhaling, recline backwards, supporting your body with your arms and elbows and lie down.
Cradle your head with your hands.
Close the eyes.
Maintain the pose for six seconds retaining the breath or stay in the position breathing normally or practice abdominal breathing.
Posture Release
Unclasp your hands, exhaling and taking support of your hands come back to the sitting position.
Variation 2
Starting Position
Lie down on a mat with your feet together and your hands at the sides.
Posture Release
Limitations / Contraindications
All heart diseases
Peptic ulcers, hernia
Spinal injuries, back problems
Severe arthritis
Stretching of abdominal and chest muscles gives internal massage to your respective organs.
It strengthens and tones the pelvic floor and sphincter muscles.
It stretches your hip flexors.
Stretching of your neck muscles helps in regulation of the thyroid function and thymus gland, which in turn improves the metabolic and immune system.
It helps in relieving abdominal ailments like constipation, inflamed and bleeding piles.
It helps in relieving disorders of the pelvic organs, especially the reproductive organs and maintains the health of the reproductive organs and glands by improving the blood circulation in the area.
It reduces the chances of occurrence of vaginal prolapsed and stress incontinence.
A sense of well-being prevails and a feeling of calm and relaxation is experienced.
It relieves stress and irritation.
It creates strength, awareness and harmony.
Muscles Involved
Hip abductors
Flexors and medial rotators
Knee and shoulder joint and elbow flexors