Not holding on to things, I ‘let go’ and feel relief, both emotionally and physically. Our body accumulates the stresses of all kinds. When they are released there is a wave of peace and relaxation. This asana very simple to perform yet has plenty of benefits. The practice of this posture releases flatulence and helps relieve indigestion and constipation.
You can enjoy the benefits of this asana by performing either in a dynamic way or you can remain in the posture for one to two minutes breathing normally.
Variation 1—Ekapada (with one leg):
Starting Position
Posture Release
Variation 2—Dvipada (with both the legs together):
The steps are the same as before except perform by lifting both the legs together.
Abdominal surgery, inflammation, pain, for those with a weak abdomen, or not used to exercise are requested not to put pressure in the final position, not recommended for women during menstruation and pregnancy.
Muscles Involved: