Sarvangasana & The Shoulder Stand

For a while, altering the flow of nature, I become alert and rejuvenated.

The words ‘sarva anga’ denotes the entire body. It is one of the very few postures that is advantageous for all the systems of the body, especially the head that houses the brain. This inverted posture may be difficult for a beginner but as the practice becomes steady this posture can be practised daily.

This asana can be performed in the dynamic way as mentioned below or you can remain in the final posture for one to two minutes breathing normally.

Method of Practice:

Starting Position

  1. Lie supine on a mat with your feet together and hands at the sides. Inhale.



Method 1

  1. Follow the same procedure as Ardha Sarvangasana and straighten your legs up vertically. Keep your entire body straight and point the toes towards the ceiling.


Method 2

  1. While exhaling, raise your legs up together, toes to point towards the ceiling. The knees remain straight. Use your hands to support your body at the back as shown in the picture.
  2. The chin is set in the jugular notch.
  3. Maintain this pose for a few seconds or as long as convenient but not longer than two minutes, the breathing slow, rhythmic and natural.


Posture Release

  1. Slowly bend your knees, then, as you inhale, lower your hips towards the mat, releasing your hands from back, assume the starting position.
  2. Take a few deep breaths to compensate for the reactions of head low and hips high posture.


Precautions To Be Taken during Performance of This Asana 

  1. Avoid any possible strain, and the period of exercise should be fixed at the minimum.
  2. It is also advisable to attempt this posture first in parts and complete the pose only after a few weeks of initial training.
  3. What needs emphasis is the fact that this pose should never be attempted after any form of rigorous gymnastics because the abnormal rush of blood to the brain at this stage might do more harm than good.
  4. Take care of your neck.


Limitations / Contraindications:

  1. Hypertension, cardiac ailments
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Respiratory disorders
  4. Cervical spondylosis, spinal problems, neck injuries or trauma
  5. High myopia, glaucoma, serious eye disorders




  1. It strengthens your arms and shoulders.
  2. It keeps your spine flexible.
  3. It nourishes your brain with more blood.



  1. It improves the functioning of your thyroid, parathyroid, and pituitary glands.
  2. There are favourable changes in vasomotor ability due to the increased interchange of blood in the upper part of the body, especially the thorax, the neck, and the head.
  3. Relief from congestion, through the rapid drainage of venous blood, in the abdominal and pelvic regions.
  4. There is a wholesome effect of gravity on the various organs of your body above the waist, including the vital endocrine glands.
  5. It is helpful in constipation, dyspepsia, headache, giddiness, neurasthenia, functional disorders of the eye, the ear, the nose and the throat, general and sexual debility, and similar ailments.
  6. No other asana is m ore effective for the increase of blood flow towards your brain than this asana, bes ides having an overall impact on the body it makes your mind alert giving a feeling of self-confidence and self-reliance.
  7. It helps in the prevention and cure of varicose veins.



  1. It relieves stress as it calms your brain and nervous system.
  2. It helps to balance the moods and calms your mind.
  3. It increases your confidence.


Muscles Involved

  1. Trunk flexors and wrist extensors
  2. Flexors and extensors of the lower limbs
  3. Extensors of the neck and erector spinae
  4. Isometric contraction of the hip and knee