Seven Ways to Raise Your Energy When You're Feeling Low

Sometimes, there are days when you wake up feeling completely drained and even the easiest things seem daunting. This kind of feeling of low energy can come unexpectedly or may last for a number of days. It is a fact that your energy levels are closely related to your body, mind and environment. Yogic techniques help you to raise your energy holistically. As you probably know, yoga is not just about asanas – but it is a lifestyle that keeps us connected with the wonderful natural rhythms of life. It is about the food we eat, the air we breathe, the way we move or think. So, what are the yogic ways to raise your energy levels ?

Well, these yogic methods are not just practices—they’re reminders to connect with the natural flow of life. If you ever feel that you have low energy, you can choose a holistic way to achieve a natural energy increase. Whether you want a way to boost energy levels for a long work day ahead or you need yoga to boost energy after a thoroughly exhausting week, these techniques will definitely support you.

1. Drink Coconut Water

Sometimes the underlying cause of low energy is dehydration. At such times, drinking coconut water is a simple and effective way to achieve a natural energy increase. Coconut water contains electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium. This refreshing water replenishes the fluid content and revives your body to make you feel recharged.

How it helps: Coconut water helps in detoxification, supports your digestion, and balances your body temperature. It is also a very quick way to increase your energy level.

When to drink: Early morning or after exercise or a yoga session is the best time. It can also be had at any other time in the day on an empty stomach.

Things to avoid: Ensure that the coconut water is fresh, not store-brought or artificially sweetened.

2. Abhyanga

Abhyanga is a traditional Ayurvedic practice. It involves massaging the body with warm oil. It relaxes your muscles and also stimulates blood circulation to give you a natural energy increase.

How to do it:

How it helps:

This massage removes toxins, brings relief to your nervous system, and boosts energy levels by increasing blood circulation in your body.

When to do:

The best time to take this message is early in the morning.

Things to avoid:

 Choose the oils which are best suited for your skin or the weather conditions.

3. Walk in a Park

We all know that nature is a powerful healer. Whenever you take a stroll through a beautiful green park, your senses are refreshed and you are able to connect closely with the energy of the earth. This is the easiest way to do yoga for positive energy off the mat.

How to do it:

How it helps:

While walking in nature, your oxygen levels increase and your mental stress clears up. This helps to increase your energy levels.

Things to avoid:

Do not be in a hurry to get your walk done. It is important to walk mindfully while taking in the sensory experience of being in nature. 

4. Yogendra Viparitakarani

When you feel low energy , it is best to do asana practice to boost your blood circulation. Among the asanas, an inversion like Yogendra Viparitakarani is the perfect asana to practice. This inversion is gentle and it directs blood towards your heart and brain. This helps in restoring your energy.

How to do it:

How it helps:

This asana regulates your blood circulation in the upper part of the body and supports a natural energy increase. It benefits various organs of your body above the waist including the vital endocrine glands. It is, therefore, effective as a yoga to boost energy practice.

Who should avoid:

Avoid this pose if you have hypertension, heart ailments, pregnancy, respiratory disorders, spinal disorders, high myopia, glaucoma and retinal detachment.

5. Yogendra Pranayama - Bhastrika

The Sanskrit word bhastrika means 'bellows'. Just as the bellows fan the fire, this pranayama increases the flow of air into the body to generate heat at both the physical and subtle level–stoking the inner fire of mind and body to boost energy levels.

How to do it:

How it helps:

Bhastrika oxygenates the blood increasing the vitality of all the organs and tissues to quickly raise energy levels.

Who should avoid:

Those suffering from heart ailments, fever, vertigo, abdominal disorders, spinal abnormalities and eye ailments should avoid this pranayama.

6. Chant a Mantra

For thousands of years, yogis have experienced that sound vibrations have enormous power. They can heal and energize one’s body and mind. The practice of mantra chanting stimulates positive vibrations and creates an environment suitable for achieving yoga for positive energy.

How to do it:

Find a comfortable, quiet place and sit comfortably with your back straight.

Slowly close your eyes and breathe normally.

Take up any mantra like “Om” or “Sohum” and repeat it over and over again softly.

Become more and more aware of the sound and its resonance within yourself.

How it helps:

When you chant a mantra, it has a soothing effect on your mind and body. It also helps to bring your energy centres into balance and helps to increase energy levels.

Things to remember:

Before you settle down to practice mantra chanting, make sure that you will not be disturbed for some time. Keep your phone away and let the others around you know that you need a little quiet time for yourself.

7. Mauna

There is power in silence. Energy isn't always just about activity. Stillness is also important. Hence, sometimes, Mauna, or a period of intentional silence, is all you need to conserve your energy and restore balance.

How to do it:

How it helps:

The yogic technique of Mauna helps to reduce the constant chattering of the mind and helps to boost energy levels by directing your attention inward on your own self-development. It is a method that has the potential to bring changes in the behaviour of the sadhak and raise energy levels holistically.

Things to avoid:

Make a special effort to avoid interruptions in your practice.



When it comes to raising your energy naturally , you need to begin by creating a sense of balance in your body and mind. The seven yogic ways to raise energy levels that we have discussed here bring together physical exercises, mindfulness, and natural elements to support your physical, mental, and spiritual vitality. A practice that is continued for a long period of time will definitely help you in experiencing sustainable and lasting energy.