Weekly Update: Dr. Jayadeva Talking on Yoga (23 Feb-1 Mar 2013)

Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra

23rd Feb 2013 – Saturday – Living in the Present
“See, we live through today not shivering, just see the facts and not imagine it. We are generally lost in all kinds of suggestions, all kinds of stories, news. We don’t give much of our mind to check the reality. See, we can live our life very happily, enjoy it, but we can never do it. Though there are individuals, who may not be very very clever – There used to be a tailor who would come here, in the class. Some new construction was done and we had no people to man it or look after it. And this tailor asked, “You are not going to use that place?” We said, we have no people here to look after it. He said, “I’ll look after it.” And he personally looked after even the most menial jobs of washing the floor and all that and attending to the people when they came. And that is how we started this 7 Day Residential Class. No big announcements, no pay, no one knows his name here. At many places these things happen. See, we unfortunately, wait for the crowd to applaud and look around for the people telling about the great things we are doing, which is wrong. In any situation, a thing needs to be done, just do it. I don’t think we can do, we’d rather like to look around.”

25th Feb 2013 – Monday – Krsna Shukla Karma
“You see we put in efforts , to see that nobody gets displeased. But we never succeed. ‘Feeling good’- it doesn’t happen always. So there are black and white actions, not just always white. Ultimately it depends on our own attitude. We don’t have that pure attitude, that a good yogi has. See in case of Madhavdasji, he was always feeling good about others. And no one could complain that he had any evil intention. But this cannot happen with ordinary people, we always function in this dual way.”

26th Feb 2013 – Tuesday – Bhagwad Gita 3.38-39
“See this is the Gita, it talks about unintelligence or foolishness in us. You see, this understanding and knowledge is covered. We have the understanding, we have the knowledge but it is covered by desires. That is the source. And unless we can reduce the desires, the ignorance keeps on going. So this is the statement in the Gita.”

28th Feb 2013 – Thursday – Ashukla Akrsna Karma
“We use these words black and white, In yoga also we use these. Actions are black. Hurting others, You’re consciously doing something that you know is hurting. Or it is the reverse, you don’t want to hurt. So all the individuals are getting involved into both. It is the Yogi who does not do black action or even white action because he has no desire. See Madhavdasji is a yogi, right from morning till night he’s busy, doing something or the other, but does it spontaneously. A boat full of people, crossing the Narmada, and founder wanted to jump into the boat, and Madhavdasji just looked at him and said ‘No’, and he obeyed- he came out. The boat went mid stream and sunk- high floods. Madhavdasji looked at founder and said ‘ I told you’, that’s all he said. And founders question- ‘But why didn’t you tell the others?’ And his answer- ‘Others were Paapis (sinners)’. Others were bad people. That’s all. The founder was wondering. The judgments come from within. Who are right, who are wrong. But once you know, you see that you act accordingly. For yogis these things can happen. For ordinary people its a great difficulty.”

1st Mar 2013 – Friday – Yoga Sutra 1.39
“You see keeping the mind engaged, seriously, for a long time, it is very important. One of the techniques in Yoga. We don’t have anything that serious, so the mind jumps, Never steady and never really so knowledgeable – Jack of all trades. So the techniques in yoga say that- an object and concentration on it for a long time, that will help, in making the mind more concentrated and capable of yogic training. This would be the suggestion.”