Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra
To listen to audio recordings of Talks on yoga by Dr. Jayadeva visit: www.chirbit.com/theyogainstitute
15th December 2013 – Sunday – Positivity
“It is certain now that if we bring positive thoughts in the mind, we experience happiness and Ananda (bliss), then there will be no sadness in the mind. This method is simple and straight forward. But we are not able to do this. If you will notice, right from the morning we keep thinking wrong things. Note down what you think during the whole day. If something happens, those kind of thoughts begin and by evening we are scared. This is a wrong training given to the mind. If we are learning yoga, then we need to bring in enthusiastic and blissful thoughts. The technique is very simple. Bring happiness and bliss in life and automatically the wrong kinds of thoughts will reduce. Such a simple technique.”
16th December 2013 – Monday – Vanaprastha “See we are thinking about a very strange stage in Indian sociology. Giving away , giving up. See, the word that is used is vanaprastha. ‘Vana’ meaning forest, a stage when a person leaves the home and enters the jungles ,forests, where he thinks he belongs. The luxury that he lived , the big bungalow, and family and all that, he gives it up. So naturally the responsibilities come on the other members and he wants that they should take over. Now how correct that is, we have to just think. Should you give up everything and let your relatives manage or should you keep up with all the responsibilities yourself and take care of your house , your family and what not? Its a question worth thinking. But in the old Indian times we believed that after a certain stage, say 50-60, the individual has to learn to give up and not hold on. I don’t know what would be your opinion, whether you’re in favour of giving away or remaining responsible till the end. Spend a little time thinking on that.. any ideas?”
17th December 2013 – Tuesday – Bhagavad Gita 6.5 – 6.6
“So do you agree with the proposition, that, “you are your worst enemy and can become also your best friend”? I think we will not agree. We take it that we are taking care and we are not enemies, but in every little action mistakes are occurring and these mistakes can be quite serious. Right from the morning when we get up we are making mistakes – eating the wrong food, thinking in the wrong way and what not. How to check? This is the problem. We are unable to check, we just normally, automatically do things. So we have to discuss this proposition; are you your best friend or are you your worst enemy?”.
19th November 2013 – Thursday – Sanyasa Ashrama
“So now we come to this sanyasa idea. Usually yogi, sanyasa, sadhu, all these are mixed up. See sanyasa is again a state of mind. A person as if loses interest in material life, he leaves, he may even be carrying on his routine activities, and yet that kind of deep interest, specially of acquisition is lacking. This is a good state because we generally have the reverse. We want to acquire, possess, call things are own and a lot of quarrels and fights. See , within this modern world, such an idea has any meaning? Or whether we like to maintain our own individuality, hold on to our possessions and carry on. This is the kind of question, I don’t know if any of you would like to answer it.”