To listen to audio recordings of Talks on yoga by Dr. Jayadeva visit:
3rd February 2013 – Monday – Akrishna Ashukla karma
“You see this black and white is not only in our business but is in the karma also. Actions are not white nor black, but a mixture. Black means bad and white means good. Our actions are of that kind; apparently we try to show that we are good but internally we’ve got poor intentions. So yogi doesn’t do that. He avoids that kind of action. He doesn’t do actions or if he does it, then he’s careful to make it known”.
4th February 2013 – Tuesday – Bhagavad Gita (6.17)
6th February 2013 – Thursday – Muddha citta
“You see the discussion about types of chitta. You see we have a chitta, but we don’t know its quality. It could be dull, it could be stupid, it could be clever. See we are talking about a dull chitta. Dull, stupid, it cannot see its own good, eventually it suffers because it makes mistakes- Continuously mistakes and an inability to learn. So naturally in learning yoga, you have to be careful- whether you are slipping into that kind of chitta or you maintain a chitta which is very clever and naturally it can learn better. So these are discussions about the chitta, in which there are various stages, various qualities, various types- to warn us and to improve on it.”