

John Kimbrough
When one is new to the process of learning, there can be a daily feeling of excitement and contentment. One may even ignorantly think of themselves as being better or somehow more enlightened than others or ridicule others for not making such an effort.
Even those individuals who are liberal or spiritually inclined can be or have been involved in being petty, critical and judgmental to others. Ignorance is part of the mind and being of all people.
Regardless, our path and practice can be at times a very clear and straight one while at other times be one that is marked by sudden twists and turns.
We look for the ideal in others and the world while not spending enough on developing the ideal within ourselves. At other times we sometimes too quickly move and run from teacher to teacher and teachings to teachings.
Maybe we try to do too many things at once, so in addition to meditation and yoga practice we need a daily Thai massage or engage in aromatherapy, acupressure and acupuncture and other therapies that claim and aim to heal the body and soul.
We need to aim for two things, one being that we need to be compassionate to both ourselves and others and that we also need to be mindful about managing and developing ourselves and our own resources.
The Dhammapada teaches us that we should not weaken or compromise ourselves and our own resources and sources of strength and wisdom in our desire to assist and be compassionate to others.
Sometimes people do make unfair or unwise demands on us that are based more on their feelings and desires of the moment than on a life built around simplicity and self-discipline.
Sometimes we have to walk on by, say ‘no’or just let it be. There are things available in this world that can make one’s life more fruitful and comfortable but regardless of what we have or possess it is our mind and how we use it and how it functions that is the greatest source of health and happiness or the root cause of pain, anger and confusion.
So regardless of where you might find yourself at this time in your life, be more mindful about aiming to and working to the practice of compassionate boundaries.
In and through such a practice you will find yourself to be doing the most good for yourself, your family, the community and the world as a whole.

Published in the Sept 2011 edition of Yoga & Total Health Magazine