Yashtikasana – The Stick Posture

I experience relief as I stretch, releasing my pent-up stress

Yashti means a stick. Just as a stick on the ground is long and slender, this asana takes such a form. It stretches all the muscles of the body.

The all body stretch avoids undue strain as it is done in a supine position.

Method of Practice

Starting Position

  1. Lie on your back on a mat with your legs fully extended, feet together and hands at the sides, palms facing down.


  1. Inhaling, raise both your hands together above your head on the ground, stretching them.
  2. Simultaneously, point your toes downwards away from the body as though the upper body is pulled upwards and the lower body downwards with the stomach stretched between.
  3. Maintain the stretched position for six seconds, while retaining the breath.


Posture Release

  1. Exhaling, relax your hands and toes, not returning to the starting position but retaining the hands above the head on the floor.
  2. Repeat the stretching of your hands upwards and the toes downwards 4 to 5 times, taking a pause of three seconds in between each round if necessary.
  3. After you have completed the stretching and relaxing as mentioned above for a couple of times, while exhaling, return to the starting position by bringing your hands to the sides of the thighs and relaxing your toes.

Limitations / Contraindications

  1. Spinal injury
  2. Frozen shoulder and arthritis
  3. Recent surgery in the abdominal region



  1. It facilitates the maximum stretching of your body.
  2. It causes deep pressure on the muscular tissues as well as on the organs.
  3. It tones the usually relaxed abdominal and pelvic muscles.
  4. It provides adequate stretch to your spine.


  1. It aids better circulation of your blood.
  2. The thoracic area opens up and hence improves your breathing.
  3. It helps in correcting the faulty posture of rounded or drooping shoulders.
  4. It is also good for those who have tennis elbow.
  5. It eases the pain of joints.


  1. It helps in de-stressing.
  2. There is an overall relaxation to the body and mind.


Muscles Involved

  1. Concentric contraction of gastrocnemius and soleus
  2. Isometric contraction of the neck and the back
  3. Anterior abdominal wall muscles are stretched

Hansaji J. Yogendra’s Variations for Yashtikasana

Variation 1

  1. Lie on your back on a mat with your legs fully extended, feet together and your hands at your side, palms facing down.
  2. Inhaling, raise one hand above your head to rest on the ground simultaneously pointing the toes of the same side foot downwards.
  3. Stay in this position, practising regular abdominal breathing for half to one minute, maintaining the stretch.
  4. Relax the stretch and while exhaling, bring your hand back to your side and relax your toe.
  5. Repeat with the other leg and toes.
  6. Repeat the process using your opposite hand and leg.

Variation 2

  1. In the same starting position as above, raise one hand above your head to rest it on the ground, stretching it.
  2. Simultaneously, point your toes upwards towards the ceiling and towards the body so that you feel a stretch on the calf muscles and the back of the thigh.
  3. Stay in this position, practising regular abdominal breathing for half to one minute, maintaining the stretch.
  4. Relax the stretch and while exhaling, bring the hand back to your side and relax your toe.
  5. Repeat with your other leg and toes.


Variation 3

This variation is the same as Variation 2 except use both your hands and toes together.