
10 Best Yoga Poses for Back Pain

Yoga for Back Pain: 10 Best Yoga Poses for Back Pain Relief 

Back pain is a wid espread medical issue these days. It is one of the most common reasons people seek leave from work or medical attention. Factors such as the pandemic, work-from-home culture, and sedentary lifestyles contribute significantly. According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, doctors and researchers categorize back pain as follo ws:

Acute back pain: Happens suddenly and usually lasts a few days to a few weeks.

Subacute back pain: Can dev elop suddenly or over time, lasting 4 to 12 weeks.

Chronic back pain: May com e on quickly or slowly and lasts longer than 12 weeks.

Symptoms of Back Pain: 

The intensity of back pain varies f rom person to person. Depending on the type, cause, and location, you may experience:

Risk Factors:

1. Age-related issues

2. Accidents, falls, injuries, or awkward movements

3. Prolonged sitting or standing and poor posture

4. Occupational activities leading to muscle overuse or repetitive movements

5. Overweight or obesity

6. Lack of exercise leading to weak bones and muscles

7. Psychological conditions like stress, anxiety, and depression

8. Improper lifting, pulling, or pushing of heavy weights

9. Medical conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and cancer

10. Smoking

11. Pregnancy

Yoga Poses for Back Pain/ Asanas for Back pain  

Practicing yoga poses for back pain can help relax, stretch , and strengthen muscles. Regular practice of yoga poses for back pain increases flexibility a nd provides mental relaxation. Yoga poses for back pain also help improve spina l functions and enhance the quality of life. Here are 10 of the best yoga poses for back pain relief: 

1. Hastapadangushthasana – Window Support Variation 

This basic yoga pose helps relieve back pain and stre ngthen arms and back muscles.

Method: Stand with feet together facing a window, lift one leg to the window pane, bend forward to touch your toes, and repeat with the other leg.

Benefits: Strengthens arms and back muscles, loosens tight muscles, opens tight hips, relieves tension, and increases blood circulation.

2. Marjariasana – Cat & Cow Pose

This pose provides relief from chronic back pain and open s up upper and lower back muscles.

Method: Form a tabletop position, alternate between arching and rounding your back while breathing deeply.

Benefits: Alleviates fatigue and relieves back pain

3. Setu Bandhasana – Bridge Pose

Best for lower back pain, this po se stretches lower back muscles and improves blood circulation.

Method: Lie on your back, bend your knees, lift your hips, and hold your ankles.

Benefits: Improves posture, relieves low back pain, stretch es the abdomen, chest, and shoulders, and strengthens back muscles.

4. Shalabhasana – The Locust Pose 

This pose strengthens the lower back, pelvic organs, legs, and arms.

Method: Lie on your stomach, lift one leg at a time, and then both legs simultaneously.

Benefits: Tones sciatic nerves, alleviates backache, improves spinal circulation, and relieves menstrual backache.

5. Bhujangasana – The Cobra Pose

This pose strengthens the entire back and shoulders.

Method: Lie on your stomach, place palms near the chest, lift your upper body while looking up.

Benefits: Opens shoulders, strengthens the back, improves flexibility, expands the chest, improves blood circulation, and reduces fatigue.

6. Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog Pose

This pose strengthens muscles and provides spinal traction.

Method: Form an inverted V-shape with your body, pressing heels towards the floor.

Benefits: Lengthens the spine, strengthens arms and shoulders, increases lung capacity, and alleviates lower back pain

7. Ushtrasana – The Camel Pose 

This pose improves posture and relieves back pain

Methodx: Kneel on the mat, lean back, place palms on the ground, lift the pelvis, and push the upper body outward.

Benefits: Provides inverted pressure on vertebrae, relieves back pain, and cor rects drooping shoulders.

8. Ardhamatsyendrasana – The Spinal Half-Twist Pose

This pose gives a lateral twist to the spine and opens shoulders, neck, and hips.

Method: Sit with legs stretched out, twist your torso, and place one hand on the opposite foot.

Benefits: Massages spinal muscles, relieves spinal nerve tension, and corrects spinal curvature.

9. Supt Vakrasana – Reclining Spinal Twist

This pose relaxes and lengthens the spine.

Method: Lie on your back, twist your lower body to one side while turning your neck in the opposite direction.

Benefits: Stretches gluteal muscles, encourages spinal mobility.

10. Yastikasana – The Stick Pose

This pose corrects posture and calms the nervous system.

Method: Lie on your back, stretch your hands above your head, and stretch your toes outward.

Benefits: Improves circulation, opens the thoracic area, and calms the nervous system.


Back pain or discomfort can significantly impact daily life. Practicing yoga poses for back pain can help alleviate this common issue. By regularly performing yoga poses for back pain , you can promote blood flow, improve mobility, release tension, and strengthen key areas. These yoga exercises for back pain challeng e your muscles with different positions, helping them stay active and promoting quick healing. Embrace these asanas for back pain to enhan ce your overall well-being and quality of life.

By incorporating these yoga positions for back pain into you r routine, you can address the root causes of discomfort and work towards a pain-free life. These asanas for back pain are desi gned to target specific muscle groups and provide relief from tension and strain. Make sure to follow proper guidance to maximize the benefits of these yoga exercises for back pain and ensu re safe practice.

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