
Yoga for Thyroid

Yoga for Thyroid

Thyroid disorders are an epidemic and perhaps most common endocrine disorder affecting millions across the globe. In India, it has been estimated from various studies that approximately 43 million people suffer from thyroid disorders. Prevalence of the disease is more evident in women than in men. One in ten Indians suffer from thyroid ailment. In hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland is underactive and doesn’t make enough thyroid hormone where as in hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland is overactive and the thyroid makes too much of thyroid hormone.

The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland is located in front of your neck. It produces thyroid hormone (main hormones-T3 triiodothyronine and T4-thyroxine), which affects the metabolic functioning of each and every system in the body.

Yoga offers a range of natural solutions in effectively managing and preventing thyroid disorders. The twisting, stretching and compressing yoga poses helps to massage the thyroid gland and thereby release of the thyroid hormone is regulated. Check with your physician/ healthcare provider and Yoga teacher before you start Yoga. Various yoga poses and asana can be customised as per individual need.


Top 3 yoga poses for hypothyroidism

Bhujangasana (The cobra poses)- Just like the hood of an alert cobra, this yoga pose helps backward stretching of the spine and massages the neck-region, this helps to regulate the thyroid function.

Ustrasana (Camel Pose) – This backward bending yoga asana gives gentle massage to the neck-region and regulate the thyroid gland secretion.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) – It is one of the most effective pose to gently improve the thyroid gland function.

Top 3 yoga asana for hyperthyroidism

Setubandhasanam (Bridge Pose) –This particular asana resembles a bridge, hence the name. In this pose blood flow is directed towards the brain, which helps to calms the mind, reducing anxiety and stress. It also helps to opens up the lungs and regulation of thyroid hormone is aided.

Dradasana – This yoga pose is good for relaxing the back. It helps to calm the mind and nervous system. This indirectly aids the thyroid gland function.

Shavasana (Corpse Pose) – Shavasana is possibly the most essential part of yoga practice. This deeply relaxes all the systems and metabolic rate is decreased. This helps the symptoms of thyroid ailment lessen.

Stress is believed to be one of the main factors for thyroid disorders. Yogendra Pranayam- IV and Ujjayi Pranayama for few minutes on a daily basis help to keep the mind calm and reduce everyday stress. Nispandabhava and Shavasana works well in both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, by reducing stress and improving relaxation. Diet plays a vital role in thyroid disorder management. Some helpful diet tips-

Diet tips