Yogendra Pawanmuktasana – Cultural Yoga Asanas for Abdomen Compression

Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose) is a highly effective yoga asana for releasing gas from the digestive tract, aiding digestion, and relieving discomfort. As the name suggests, Pawanmuktasana benefits those who suffer from bloating or gas by promoting the movement of gas and relieving pressure in the abdomen. It is best practiced in the morning, before any other asanas .

Dynamic Variation 1: (Ekpada– one legged pose)

Starting position

 Lie down supine on a mat with your feet together and hands resting beside the body. Relax your body and calm your mind, breathing normally.

The sequence of steps :

  1. Exhale as you bend the right leg at the knee and draw it toward your abdomen.
  2. Clasp the knee (or shin) with both hands and pull it up to the chest.
  3. Wrap your forearms just below the knee, clasping the opposite elbows, and press the knee firmly against the chest. Complete this in 3 seconds while exhaling.
  4. Ensure your head and neck rest on the floor, and keep the left leg straight.
  5. Hold this position for 6 seconds while holding the breath.
  6. To return, inhale in 3 seconds, release the hands, and straighten the leg, returning to the starting position.
  7. Repeat the steps with the left leg to complete one round.


Pavanamuktasana or the Wind-Relieving Pose

Pavanamuktasana or the Wind-Relieving Pose


Dynamic Variation 2: (Dvipada–with both the legs).

Starting position: 

Start by lying supine with feet together and hands beside the body, as described above.

Sequence of Steps:

Follow the same steps as the one-legged variation, but bend and clasp both legs simultaneously.

 Static Technique: (Dvipada–Both Legs)

Starting Position: 

Same as the dynamic variation, lying supine on the mat.

Sequence of Steps:

Follow the same steps as the dynamic version to attain the final position. Maintain the final position, breathing normally—slow and rhythmic.

Recommended practice of Pawanmuktasana Yoga:

  1. Practice 4 rounds of the dynamic variation, with pause in-between rounds.
  2.  In the static pose, maintain the final position for 30 seconds, gradually increasing to 1 to 2 minutes with regular practice. Breathing should be slow and rhythmic. Practice once per session.



Beginners not accustomed to regular exercises should start slowly when practicing Pawanmuktasanato to allow the abdominal muscles to gain strength. If you have a knee issue, hold the thighs (just above the back of the knee joint) rather than the knee while practicing Pawanmuktasana

Limitations /Contraindications:

  1. Abdominal inflammation
  2. Cardiac conditions
  3. Hernia
  4. Piles
  5. Menstruation
  6. Pregnancy


Benefits of Pawanmuktasana – the anti-flatus pose:

The benefits of Pawanmuktasana are numerous and can improve overall well-being. Here are some of the key Pawanmuktasana benefits:

  1. Pawanmuktasana benefits include significant relief from flatulence by expelling intestinal gas.
  2. It provides a favorable improvement in cases of flabby abdomen and sub-normal functions of the abdominal viscera and pelvic organs.
  3. It offers relief for chronic constipation and sluggish liver, which is one of the main benefits of Pawanmuktasana
  4. Another benefit of Pawanmuktasanais the stretching of shoulder muscles, triceps, gluteus maximus, and hamstrings.
  5. The pose provides a deep internal pressure massage, aiding digestion.
  6. Practicing Pawanmuktasana regularly helps inculcate a feeling of “letting go,” contributing to mental relaxation.

Final Thoughts on Pawanmuktasana:

PracticingPawanmuktasana regularly can greatly improve your digestive health, relieve discomfort, and strengthen the abdominal muscles. The benefits of Pawanmuktasana extend beyond physical relief, promoting relaxation and improving mental clarity. Remember to practice Pawanmuktasana with awareness of your body’s limits, especially if you have any contraindications.

By making Pawanmuktasana part of your daily yoga routine, you can enjoy its numerous benefits, from gas relief to improved abdominal function.