
How to do Bhadrasana Its Benefits

Yogendra Bhadrasana: The Thro ne Pose - Cultural Asana for Extremities

Ancient yoga texts like the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Gheranda Samhita emphasize the significance of Bhadrasana. Yogi Swa tmarama mentions it as one of the four main asanas suitable for prolonged meditation due to the numerous bhadrasana benefits. This posture is regarded as the fourth asana idea l for extended sitting, helping practitioners to relieve fatigue and calm the body and mind.

Starting Position:

Sit on a mat with legs fully stretched forward, toes together, and pointing upwards.

Hands rest beside the body, palms on the mat.

Keep the neck straight, upper body forward, and chin slightly drawn.

Steps to Perform Yogendra Bhadrasana: 

1. Inhale for 3 seconds and draw both legs close to the body.

2. Keep the legs touching the floor with knees bent outward, soles of the feet together.

3. Bring the feet, with toes pointing outward, close to the genital area, and let the heels touch the perineum.

4. If needed, clasp the feet to bring them closer to the body.

5. Place your hands on the knees and press them gently down, keeping the upper body and neck erect.

6. Exhale for 3 seconds and return to the starting position by slowly stretching the legs.

Recommended Practice:

Perform 3-4 rounds per session, with breaks in between.

Beginners can hold the pose for 1 minute, gradually increasing time as comfort improves.

If you feel discomfort or numbness, release the posture gently.

For advanced practitioners, holding this posture for longer durations can maximize the bhadrasana benefits. 

Static Pose:

Maintain the final position for 2 minutes, breathing slowly and rhythmically. Advanced practitioners may extend the duration as per comfort.


Avoid Bhadrasana if you ha ve severe arthritis. It’s essential to understand your body’s limitations and contraindications before starting this pose.

Bhadrasana Benefits:

1. Joint Flexibility: Bhadrasana helps loo sen joints by stretching the tendons. It improves flexibility in the pelvis, knees, and ankles, making it ideal for modern sedentary lifestyles.

2. Thigh and Groin Stretching: One of the key bhadrasana benefits is its deep stretch to the muscles of the inner thigh, groin, and pelvis, improving circulation and enhancing flexibility in the reproductive organs.

3. Improved Urogenital Health: Bhadrasana enhances blood flow to the groin area, benefiting the muscles and ligaments in the urogenital region.

4. Spine Relief: Practicing this pose can relieve tension in the sacral and coccygeal regions of the spine, which is one of the important bhadrasana benefits f or spinal health.

5. Relief for Specific Conditions: Another crucial aspect of bhadrasana benefits is that it offers relief for sciatica, varicose veins, and menstrual discomfort when practiced consistently and gently.

6. Improved Posture and Focus: Practicing Bhadrasana improves posture, enhances concentration, and reduces mental activity. It’s a wonderful posture for prolonged meditation, making it one of the many bhadrasana benefits. 

7. Alternative to Classical Postures: For those who struggle with classical postures like Padmasana and Vajrasana, Bhadrasana offers a comfortable alternative, allowing them to enjoy similar bhadrasana benefits. 

By practicing Bhadrasana regularly , you can unlock a wide range of physical and mental benefits. From improving flexibility to enhancing focus, the bhadrasana benefits are essential for anyone looking to improve their yoga practice .

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