Patanjali Yoga Sutra 1.30 (Parisamvad)

Patanjali Yoga Sutra Transcribed from Pa risamvad at The Yoga Institute.

Chapter 1, Sutra 30


Vyadhi : disease, illness , sickness
Styana : inefficiency , dullness
Samsaya : indecision , doubt
Pramada : carelessness , negligence
Alasaya : sloth , laziness
Avirati : sensuality , craving
Bhranti darsana : false views or perception
Alabdhabhumikatva : failing to attain stages of practice
Anavasthitatvani : inability to maintain
Cittaviksepah : distractions of the mind
Te : they are
Antarayah : obstacles , impediments 

From that comes Realisation of the individual Self and the obstacles are removed.

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Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra:

“We discuss the usual kind of difficulties that come in our way and especially in our progress in yoga. We know them. They are part of our character. Disease is one. We fall sick, few times in a year. We are lazy, mind is uncertain, doubtful. Illusions, disillusionments, not finding our correct objective, goal. That kind of uncertainty, we are never a 100% sure about what we do. Various such things are mentioned. You see, these are the obstacles which are part of our personality. Even the best men have these unfortunate qualities. Naturally in learning of yoga they come as a hindrance. Suddenly doubt comes, suddenly laziness and all that. So these have been mentioned as our enemies. Unless we can overcome them, we can’t get full-heartedly into learning yoga.

See, learning yoga requires a clean slate – mind that is clear, full of enthusiasm and succeeds. There have been instances in old times of students who were mentally ready and just a word from the teacher was enough. See even the Founder of the Institute, as a young boy form St. Xavier’s college goes to his teacher, leaving his studies, leaving his parents. The teacher tells him to sit down, eyes closed, without thoughts and he sits there for two hours. The teacher returns and see him and says you have passed for today. In the same way he was progressing. So his learning became easier. In a shorter period, he qualified for higher states.

The Founder decided that yoga is not only for the recluse, Sanyasis who have cut away from life. He was interested in seeing that yoga should be learnt by ordinary people living in material world inspite of the obstacles. It was a struggle. The teacher did not like the idea. Founder left the Ashram and struggled all the years – 90 years. In the end he accepted this, that ordinary people just can’t succeed. They have too many distractions, they are not trying to overcome them. Merely a desire or an effort has no meaning because these Antarayas are inherent. They keep on troubling. You might feel confident that you can succeed, but our structure is such that it doesn’t work.

What is suggested is keep on, day after day, month after month, year after year and then somewhere you’ll see light. You will gain strength, confidence and you go further. All this is very hard for moderners, who go by the stop watch and are in a hurry. They do a little yoga, sit in Sukhasana for a few minutes and that’s enough. They then want to go to the next step. This is what is stated here.”

Smt. Hansaji J. Yogendra:

“All these obstacles don’t allow Citta Vritti Nirodha – control over mind is not possible – stoppage of mind, impossible. They are called Citta Viksepa . Vyadhi – disease. If nutrients are not correct – Vata, Pitta, Kapha is not balanced, then there is disease. One has to attend to it. Here comes the entire Ahaar, Vihaar, Achar, Vichar. Mental disease – lack of interest in life – that also has to be taken care of. Samsaya – doubting mind – one has to have full faith in the path. Pramada – lack of sincerity. Alasya – laziness – when one overworks, doesn’t sleep, overeats, no proper routines. Avirati – sensual pleasures. I love this and I love this person. Bhranti Darsana – one doesn’t see the reality – it’s a rope but we see it as snake – Avidya. Alabdhabhumikatwa – you don’t have the capacity but you want to reach there. When there are problems, capacity is less. Anavasthitatvani – through hard work person reaches some level, but can’t stay there for long. All these have to be understood and overcome otherwise we will not be able to steady our mind.”


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About Parisamvad

On every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, The Yoga Institute, Santacruz holds Parisamvad sessions – Free interactive sessions that are open to all. These session begin at 7:20 am and end around 7:45 am.

The Friday Parisamvad is dedicated to explanation of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by our esteemed Gurus, Dr. Jayadeva and Smt. Hansaji.

All are welcome to attend.

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