“Attaining eternal happiness is a mankind’s biggest achievement.” – Shri Yogendra Ji
He simply believed that filling our inner self with positive energy will eventually lead us to eternal happiness but to reach there, we have to start somewhere. And what better way to make an effort than with 5 energizing and time-efficient Yoga poses that’ll pump up your day with positivity! Our body tends to suffer silently due to the daily stress and strain, thus making it difficult for the positive energy to pass through seamlessly. Hence, before it’s too late, give your body the kick-start it deserves that is, a dose full of fresh energy!
Yashtikasana: Goodbye stiffness, hello flexibility! This Asana will stretch the whole body thus massaging every muscle and organ of the body. When you release the posture, the blood and lymph will gush throughout the body, thus revitalizing you.
Steps to perform:
Lie down on your back.
Inhale deeply and while doing so, stretch both your hands up, then over your head and place them on the ground.
Simultaneously, extend your toes pointing out. Hold this pose for some time and then gently release the by exhaling.
Pavanmuktasana: Let’s wake up those sleeping muscles!
Steps to perform:
Lie down on your back.
Lift your right leg and bend it from the knee in a way that it rests on your abdomen. (Shown in the image below)
Hold the leg with your hands for a few seconds. Also, make sure your lower back is on the bed or the mat.
Release and repeat it with left leg and then with both the legs together.
Bhujangasana: Also known as Cobra pose, it’s not only beneficial for the health of the spine but also stimulates the adrenal gland.
Steps to perform:
Lie down on your stomach.
Place your palms near your chest. Inhale and gently lift your head, neck and upper body till the naval region. (Shown in the image below)
While exhaling, slowly come back to the original position.
Hand and leg movements: Bid adieu to the stiffness post waking up! These hand and leg movements are easy to perform and will revitalize your muscles instantly.
Steps to perform:
Lift your legs up and down alternatively while lying down and rotate your ankle clockwise and anti-clockwise.
Make gentle movements of your wrist rotating it clockwise and anti-clockwise.
Yogendra Pranayama 4: Last but not least, relax to recharge and rejuvenate! After performing the Asanas mentioned above, relax your abdomen with Yogendra Pranayama 4.
Steps to perform:
Rest on your back with knee bent and feet on the bed.
One hand should be on the abdomen and the other on the side.
Just focus on your breath and do the diaphragmatic movement.
Always end your Asana session with the mesmerising and calming OM chants. Do it three times and then sit quietly for 30 seconds before starting your day. Due to prolonged exhalation and vibration, your body will not only experience a blissful state of mind but will detoxify as well.
Your body deserves to feel good and energized. 5 Yoga poses in 5 minutes will give 24 hours of happiness! Make this routine your habit while you are still on the bed and we assure you that you’ll never feel dull and drained again. Start on a positive note and stay energized with Yoga!