
8 Yoga Poses Every Woman Should Practice

Since childhood to adulthood, a woman’s body goes through multiple changes. On an emotional and mental level, a woman experiences lots of ups and downs and increased stress owing to personal and professional reasons. Oftentimes, her health goes for a toss amidst this and she struggles through menstrual problems, gynecological disorders, stress, physical pain and much more.

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been benefiting people across the globe – irrespective of age and gender. Hence, the practice of Yoga is even more essential and beneficial for women to tackle physical and mental issues. The practice of a few specific asanas for women will be extremely instrumental in bringing harmony between the mind, body and soul. Yoga offers holistic healing properties which will help women to increase their strength, flexibility, balance, tone their body, reduce stress and anxiety and bring in more relaxation. These asanas will provide immense benefits of Yoga for women.  

Here are 8 Yoga Poses that every woman should practice:

1) Viparitkarni – The Inverted Posture

This asana should be practiced by all women as it helps in regulating the blood flow in the body. It also provides prevention from leg, knee and back pain which is a major issue after working in office and doing household chores. This asana benefits many organs of the body, particularly those above the waist, including the critical endocrine glands. It also improves the blood flow in the uterus which majorly benefits the reproductive organs of a woman. Viparitkarni helps in calming the mind by relaxing the stressed nerves.

Method of Practice

Starting Position

1) Lie down on your back with your hands on your sides.


2) As you exhale, slowly raise your legs up with the support of your hands. Hold your body with the hands at the back for support and maintain steadiness.

3) While breathing normally, maintain this pose for a few seconds to 2 minutes depending on your expertise and comfort level.

Posture Release

4) While inhaling, gently lower your hips using your hands for support and return to the starting position.

2) Bhadrasana – The Auspicious Posture

Bhadrasana is a must for women as it helps in reducing menstrual pain. The practice of this asana completely stretches both the superficial and deep muscles of your thighs. It also strengthens the pelvis, groin muscles and lower abdomen. It is an excellent asana to be practiced by pregnant women as well as it releases stiffness in the hip joints and makes the process of childbirth easier. Lastly, it helps in calming the mind and reducing stress.

Method of Practice

Starting Position

1) Sit erect with your legs stretched and hands at the sides.


2) Bending both your knees brings the soles of both your feet together.

3) Bring the feet’s soles as close to your body as you can with your hands.

4) Once your feet are closest to the body, keep holding it, trying to push the knees down to the floor. If Step 3 is challenging, you can also use both palms to gently push the knees downward.

5) Once your knees are as far down as possible, hold the feet with your hands, close your eyes and breathe normally, watch your breath. Or, you can place your palms on your knees.

Posture Release

6) Gently open your eyes, release one leg at a time to return to your starting position.

Must Know: Yoga and Irregular Periods  

3) Paryankasana – The Seat Posture

Women gain weight around the abdominal region which becomes very difficult to lose. But practice of this asana will help you to cut down your abdominal fat. It helps relieve menstrual pain and improves digestion. It calms the lumbar and abdominal muscles and reduces mental and physical stress.

Variation 1 Method of Practice

Starting Position

1) Sit in Vajrasana .

2) Spread your feet apart trying to keep your knees together.

3) Sit on a mat in the space created between your feet.


4) Inhaling, lean backwards with the aid of your elbows and forearms and lie supine.

5) Interlace your fingers and hold your hands over your abdomen.

6) Maintain the posture with normal rhythmic breathing till comfortable but not more than two minutes.

Posture Release

7) Exhaling, return to the starting position, taking the help of your elbows and forearms.


4) Matsyasana – The Fish Posture

This is an excellent asana for women to boost their metabolism and strengthen the immune system. It reduces muscle pain, knee and leg pain. Practice of Matsyasana will help in relieving pain and disorders of the pelvic organs and also improves the health of your reproductive organs and glands. It does this by improving the blood circulation in these areas. It reduces the possibility of occurrence of vaginal prolapse and stress incontinence. Once you begin to practice this asana, you will feel calm and relaxed.

Variation 1 Method of Practice

Starting Position

1) Sit in Padmasana.


2) Inhaling, reclining backwards, supporting your body with your arms and elbows and lie down.

3) Cradle your head with your hands.

4) Close your eyes.

5) Maintain the pose for six seconds, retain the breath or stay in the position breathing normally or practice abdominal breathing.

Posture Release

6) Unclasp your hands, exhale and take the support of your hands back to the sitting position.

5) Nataprarthanasana – The Kneeling Prayer Posture

Nataprarthanasana is one of the most beneficial asanas for women’s health. It creates flexibility in the hip and knee joints. The muscles of the legs and lower back are strengthened. It increases the balancing capacity of the body. It creates awareness, increases focus and makes you mentally balanced.

Method of Practice

Starting Position

1) Stand erect with your feet together. Keep your hands in a prayer pose near your chest.

2) Focus your eyes at one point straight ahead. Inhale.


3) While exhaling, slowly kneel down, keeping your legs and knees together. Gently touch the knees on the ground and sit on the raised heels trying not to bring the knees down with a jerk.

4) Hold this position for six seconds while suspending your breath.

Posture Release

5) Inhaling, lift your knees off the floor and slowly rise up again to come to the starting standing position.

Note: Note: If you are unable to stand up in this manner, you can release your hands and take assistance from the floor with them as you gently rise.

6) Hastapadangusthasana – The Hand-Toe Posture

While practicing Hastapadangusthasana, your hamstrings and hips will get a good stretch. It will strengthen your core, legs, arms and back muscles. It helps in improving your body balance and stimulates your digestive and reproductive systems. When you practice this asana regularly, you will be relieved of menstrual disorders.

Method of Practice Variation 1

Starting Position

Stand with your feet together and hands at the sides. Inhale.


Exhaling, kick your right leg in the front as high as possible and grasp the toe with the same hand, keeping the knees straight. In case you cannot hold your toe, bend your knee of the right leg so as to grasp the toe with the right hand and stretch the leg out in front. Try to keep the leg straight but if not possible you may slightly bend the knees.

Stay in the position for six seconds.

Posture Release

While inhaling, release the grasp and bring your leg down.

Repeat with the left leg.

Read More: Yoga healing for overcoming PCOS & infertility 

7) Utkatasana – The Upraised Posture

The practice of Utkatasana increases the flexibility of your joints, engages your core muscles, strengthens the muscles of legs and pelvis and improves the balance of your body. This asana relieves joint and back pain while also reducing your weight, especially from the hip area. It increases focus and steadies the mind.

Method of Practice

Starting Position

1) Stand erect. Keep your hands at their respective sides.

2) When your feet are parallel to one another, keep a distance of one foot between them.

3) Focus your eyes at one point straight ahead.


4) While inhaling, with palms facing down, raise both your hands parallel to each other, in front of the body, up to shoulder level.

5) At the same time, raise your heels to remain on your toes.

6) Exhaling, lower your body to a squatting position till your thighs press against the calves.

7) Hold this squatting position, suspending your breath for six seconds.

Posture Release

1) Inhaling, rise up again on your toes.

2) Take a pause on the toes, retaining your breath for six seconds.

3) Exhaling, lower your heels to the floor, bring the hands down and return to the starting position.

8) Dhanurvakrasana - The Bow Posture

In this asana, you balance your entire body on the abdomen and by doing so, you strengthen your abdominal viscera muscles. It also helps in increasing your digestive capacity. It corrects spinal abnormalities. It increases blood circulations in the abdominal and reproductive organs. This backward-bending asana is a must for women as we usually bend forward during the day. Hence, this is a must to strengthen the spine and for overall health. Practicing this asana will increase your will-power, energy and bring more balance in life.

Method of Practice

Starting Position

1. Lie down on your stomach on a mat with your hands by the side.


2. Bend your knees and fold your legs towards the back.

3. Grasp the ankles of your legs.

4. Inhaling, raise your head upwards and simultaneously pull your legs upwards, arching the spine, keeping both the legs together.

5. While retaining your breath, maintain the position for six seconds.

Posture Release

6. Exhaling, lower the legs and head. Release the grasp on your ankles and return to the starting position.


Whether you are facing physical or mental health issues, these 8 asanas will work wonders for you as it offers immense benefits for a woman. Practice these asanas on a daily basis and observe the changes in your body and mind. From PCOS to infertility, weight gain and spine problems, practicing these asanas will help you to tackle these problems in an effective manner.

Check Out Our Course: Yoga Classes for Women (Regular Asana) - On Campus