
Konasana – The Angle Pose: A Guide to Konasana Benefits and Techniques

Konasana – The Angle Pose: A Guide to Konasana Benefits and Techniques

Konasana, also known as the angle pose or reflex angle yoga pose, offers a powerful stretch for the spine and thoracic region, enhancing flexibility and promoting internal health. This pose, practiced in two variations (Konasana I & II), alternates between stretching and contracting the muscles, especially those around the spine and torso. Konasana yoga has multiple benefits, contributing to the overall health and balance of the body.

Starting position:

Stand with feet parallel, about 20 to 24 inches apart. Keep your neck straight, chest open, abdomen neutral, and chin tucked. Focus your eyes on a single point ahead for balance. This position prepares you for both variations of Konasana yoga, ensuring stability and alignment.

How to Do Konasana I – The Angle Pose



Repeat on the left side to complete one round of Konasana yoga variation I.

How to Do Konasana II – The Reflex Angle Yoga Pose

Konasana pose


Recommended Practice for Konasana Yoga:

 For optimal benefits, practice two rounds of each variation with a brief pause between rounds.

Limitations / Contraindications

Avoid practicing this pose if you have spinal injuries, frozen shoulder, severe arthritis, hypertension, cardiac issues, or are in the later stages of pregnancy.

Konasana Benefits

Practicing Konasana, or angle pose, provides multiple benefits:

- Side Muscle Development: Regular stretching tones and develops the muscles along the sides of the body.

- Enhanced Circulation: The angle pose compresses the abdominal and pelvic organs, promoting better circulation.

- Waistline Reduction: This reflex angle yoga pose contributes to a slimmer waistline.

- Digestive Improvement: Konasana benefits digestion by stimulating the abdominal area.

- Nervous System Activation: The pose gives strength to the nervous system and may help alleviate nervous tension.

The camp is held on the last weekend of every month and includes specific stretches and AsanasPranayamasKriyas, talks by medical specialists, health counselling, low-calorie diet recipes, etc. Click here for details