
Jala Neti-Yogic Cleansing of the Nasal Passage

The practice of nasal cleansing purifies the air sinuses, invigorates the brain, tones up the optic nerves and thus improves sight.

-Hathayogapradipika, II, 30.

Jala Neti

A handy yogic technique useful for irrigation of nasal passage and sinusoidal cavities to make it free of dirt, debris, potential disease agents (bacteria & viruses) and excess mucus. The ordinary nasal infections such as the polyp, adenoid growth, deformities of the septum and the most common of all troubles – the recurring nasal catarrh – are also all mostly preventable and could be easily avoided by a little timely care of this organ.

The amount of dust we inhale and the adulterated food and poisonous drinks we are daily swallowing, clogging throughout biophysical mechanism is unavoidable. The nasal passage accordingly suffers from dust accumulation and stuffing. Handkerchiefs cannot remove all the dust and mucus accumulated. When one sleeps on one side the refuse begins to encrust in the nare of the other side, which during the period remains blocked. The slightest variation in the usual amount of air inhaled, as a result of morbid accumulation in the nasal canal, impairs the natural freedom in breathing, and this, in turn, produces deleterious effects upon the composition and oxygen quality of blood cells and also circulation is disturbed. Thereby, causing functional disturbances in the circulatory, digestive, nervous and other systems. The cumulative effect is the lowering of the vital index.

“In all problem solving or in problem prevention, we must have strong commitment to higher goals. The Kriyas take help of natural agencies and elements and build self-reliance.”


It is non-injurious, non-irritating and absolutely simple. The beginners in yoga and for that mat ter, even the layman could practice this yoga nasal douche not only without any misgiving but with positive benefits. So, just when you wash your teeth and mouth, both in the morning and in the evening, do not forget to cleanse your nose.

  1. Put a quarter teaspoon of salt into one glass of warm water. Stir until dissolved.
  2. Cup palm. Pour this salted warm water in it and suck through one nostril while blocking other nostril with index finger.
  3. Allow water to escape through nostrils or mouth. Repeat twice.
  4. Use each palm alternatively for each nostril.
  5. Blow nose of all water, discharging water through one nostril at a time.

Limitations– Nasal Obstructions, Cold

JalaNeti Benefits-

One of the important shatkarma’s which play a vital role in purification of the body and have manifold, wondrous results and are held in high esteem by eminent yogis. Hatha Yoga Pradipika 2:23

So try out this simple, do it yourself-DIY shatkarma and enjoy every rejuvenating breathe of fresh air.

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