Stability through everyday Yoga-Dr Jayadeva & Smt. Hansaji answers some questions on anxiety, fears, varicose veins, cervical disorders
1. Which Asanas and Pranayamas help to overcome anxiety and fear?
Dr Jayadeva: You see, just merely saying ‘this Asana and that Asana’ is not correct. There should be an attitude.
Smt. Hansaji: What works is the correct attitude. So when a person is suffering from depression and anxiety, the person should be doing some kind of simple activities in daily life. And in activities, one part is simple Asanas. Walking is important, playing with children is important, doing even some simple work successfully is important. So we have to organize our whole life and all these problems will be taken care of automatically.
2. If the body is not flexible in the early morning, why are the yoga sessions advised to be done early in the morning?
Dr Jayadeva: That is not a must. People are generally free in the morning and they are a little bit more relaxed.
Smt. Hansaji: Asana can be done before eating food so anytime morning or evening is fine. I have asked many people, they say that they do Asanas in the morning so later the whole day they are free, otherwise they can’t do it. They don’t find the time. Do some Asanas in your bed itself, some stretching and simple things and while taking bath, etc. That itself will give ample of benefits. Even in young age, I have seen people who hurt themselves, so become aware and do everything.
3. Many times doing Asanas over a period of time, it becomes mechanical. How to improve on this?
Dr Jayadeva: If you can get into a proper state of mind with correct bhavas, even while doing one Asana, it can help.
Smt. Hansaji: You can reduce the number of Asanas, and do more of static variations and do the Asana for a longer time so that a person will have to improve his concentration, stability of posture and so on. You can make subtle changes with your awareness and attitude.
4. Can one relax in Shavasana before going to sleep?
Smt. Hansaji: Shavasana is a very powerful technique where you are consciously relaxing. I would rather tell people to do Shavasana after they have got up from their sleep or when they are fresh and fine. Then they would learn this technique of how to relax every part of the body. Once you have learnt that, you can do it anytime and anywhere. But then be clear whether you want to do Shavasana or you want to sleep. If you want to sleep, then maybe take up some position where you cross your legs or lie down in Bhadrasana and just make your mind quiet or think pleasant thoughts and then sleep.
5. Is there any Asana which is good for varicose veins?
Dr Jayadeva: The usual suggestion that a physiotherapist gives is to lie down with the feet raised by at least 20 inches. That can help.
Smt. Hansaji: So as Dr Jayadeva mentioned, raise your legs and rest. And do some toe exercises, put your legs on the wall, more raised and rest. Avoid standing for long, rather you should be walking or sitting. Hanging your legs down from the chair should be avoided. But mainly see, that if the body is obese, if excess weight is there on the body, then that has to be corrected. Going up on toes and coming down would help a lot in strengthening varicose veins. Yashtikasana and Utkatasana are some of the postures which should be done regularly 2-3 times a day.
6. What can be specifically done to reduce spasm in the cervical region, C5, C6 and C7?
Dr Jayadeva: It is a question of relaxation. The techniques like Shavasana that would help in relaxing will help.
Smt. Hansaji: If the spasm is there, the person should learn to relax. So take a pillow up to the shoulder and lie down so that your body is straight from up and then down. And when you turn to the side, your head is resting on the pillow and the shoulder is out of the pillow so that the muscle doesn’t get compressed. So this is how these areas would be relaxed. Use of hot water bag would work wonders. Once the spasm goes away, then to strengthen the muscles, something like moving your neck back and forth, side to side, turning, etc. to strengthen the muscle would be required. Hand stretching, rotation, etc. also but not when the person has the spasm.