Surya Namaskar or Salutations to the Sun is a powerful practice that has been revered for its many benefits. The sun, a symbol of spiritual consciousness, has been worshipped since ancient times. Though Surya Namaskar is a relatively modern practice, it is a vital warm-up routine based on a sequence of seven asanas, five of which are repeated, making it a twelve-step salutation. This practice is often included in yoga surya namaskar sessions and has gained global recognition for its holistic benefits.
Now, let’s explore the Surya Namaskar steps in detail. It is essential not to rush through the process but instead to connect with your breath and become mindful of how your body feels in each posture. The steps in yoga surya namaskar are designed to ensure that every part of your body is engaged and energized.
Starting Position:
Stand straight with your hands relaxed at your sides and feet as close together as possible. Focus your body weight on the balls of your feet, especially towards the big toe. Keep your neck straight, abdomen relaxed, and eyes focused ahead. Keep your mind calm and body relaxed before starting the Surya Namaskar steps.
The steps of Surya Namaskar are:
1. Begin by folding your hands in Namaskar mudra (Pranamasana/Sthitaprarthanasana) and place them in front of your chest. Relax your shoulders and elbows while focusing on your breath.
2. Inhale for 3 seconds, keeping your feet firm, and raise your arms straight above your head, slightly bending your trunk backward. This is the second posture in yoga surya namaskar (Hasta Uttanasana).
3. Exhale in 3 seconds and slowly bend forward from the waist, keeping your legs straight, and bring your hands to the floor beside your feet, with your forehead close to the knees (Hastapadasana or Padahastasana).
4. Inhale and bend your left knee while moving your right leg as far back as possible. Raise your head and arch your spine (Ashwa Sanchalanasana).
5. Exhale and move your left leg back, aligning it with your right leg, and raise your hips, forming an inverted V with your body (Adho Mukha Svanasana).
6. Lower your body to the floor so that your toes, knees, chest, hands, and chin touch the ground, keeping your hips slightly raised (Ashtanga Namaskara). Hold this position for 3 seconds while suspending your breath.
7. Inhale and lower your hips, then raise your head while arching your back until your arms are straight (Bhujangasana).
8. Exhale and return to the inverted V posture (Adho Mukha Svanasana), keeping your knees and elbows straight and heels on the ground.
9. Inhale and bring your right knee between your hands, moving your left leg as far back as possible while raising your head and arching your spine (Ashwa Sanchalanasana).
10. Exhale and bring your left leg forward, keeping your hands on the floor beside your feet, and straighten both knees while bringing your forehead close to your knees (Hastapadasana).
11. Inhale and raise both arms and your head, arching your back slightly (Hasta Uttanasana).
12. Exhale and bring your hands back to Namaskar mudra in front of your chest (Pranamasana), completing the final step of Surya Namaskar.
Recommended Practice:
Practice 1-2 rounds of yoga surya namaskar, with a pause between rounds, as per your comfort level.
People with hypertension, heart ailments, or pregnancy should avoid performing Surya Namaskar steps.
Benefits of Surya Namaskar:
1. Strengthens the digestive system and prevents constipation.
2. Improves blood circulation and invigorates the nervous system.
3. Develops the lungs and enhances vital capacity.
4. Stimulates glandular activity.
5. Reduces excess fat.
6. Strengthens the back and extremities.
7. Promotes physical and mental well-being, boosting concentration and self-confidence.
Yoga Surya Namaskar is not just a physical exercise; it is a complete practice that brings together body, mind, and spirit. For those seeking to learn this sequence properly, Surya Namaskar images can be an excellent guide. Additionally, learning the correct postures from experienced instructors at one of the world’s oldest organized yoga institutes will ensure you gain the full benefits of this transformative practice.
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