Viparitkarni; The Inverted Posture

Sometimes, going against the milieu, I develop a renewed perspective.

According to the authorities on Hatha Yoga, this pos ture of inverted balance has been formulated particularly with the objective of bringing about inner harmony and union of the opposites such as the arterial and venous blood flow, the afferent and efferent nerve impulses, positive and negative counterparts of bioenergy and so on with the aid of gravitationBesides having an overall good impact on the body it makes the mind alert.

Method of Practice: 

Starting Position

  1. Lie down on your back with your hands at the sides.


  1. Exhaling, with the help of your hands slowly raise your legs up as shown in the picture. Hold your body with the hands at the back for support and maintain steadiness.
  2. breathing normally maintain this pose from a few seconds to 2 minutes depending on your expertise and comfort level.

Posture Release

  1. While inhaling, gently lower your hips using your hands for support and return to the starting position.

Limitations / Contraindications:  

  1. Hypertension, cardiac ailments
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Respiratory disorders
  4. Spinal disorders
  5. High myopia, glaucoma, serious eye disorders



  1. It regulates your blood flow.
  2. It stretches your neck, torso, and legs.
  3. It also relaxes your legs.


  1. There are favourable changes due to increased interchange of blood in the upper part of the body, especially the thorax, the neck, and the head.
  2. Relief from congestion, through the rapid drainage of venous blood in the abdominal and pelvic regions.
  3. There are wholesome effects of gravity.
  4. It benefits the various organs of the body above the waist, including the vital endocrine glands.
  5. It is helpful in constipation, dyspepsia, headache, giddiness, neurasthenia, functional disorders of the eye, the ear, the nose and the throat, general and sexual debility, and similar ailments.


  1. It helps to soothe and calm the mind.

Muscles Involved

  1. Trunk flexors and wrist extensors
  2. Contraction of flexors and extensors of the vertebral column
  3. Isometric contraction of hip and knee joints
  4. Erector spine and neck extensors