Jal Neti - The Yogic Cleansing of your Nasal Passage & Sinuses

History of Jalneti

The ‘nasal cleansing’ has its origin in ancient India and has been in practice from time immemorial by ancient yogis and people. Yogis have practiced it for centuries for its innumerable and powerful benefits. Jal Neti in Yoga is one of the six-purification kriyas also know as ‘Shatkarmas’ as mentioned in Hatha Yoga Pradipika, an ancient yoga text.

“The practice of nasal cleansing purifies the air sinuses, invigorates the brain, tones up the optic nerves and thus improves sight.”

-Hathayogapradipika, II, 30.

The main objective of Shatkriya is to balance the three humours (tridosha) in the body, mucus (kapha), bile (pitta) and wind (vata). There are six cleansing kriyas which prepares the body and mind for higher practices of yoga. The Shatkriya techniques include

It is of utmost importance to note that although the Shatkarmas are “preparatory techniques,” performing these techniques require experience, skill, and awareness. Therefore, it is advised that you should always learn from and practice under the supervision of an experienced teacher.

Why is Yogic Cleansing or Jal neti Yoga Important?

Our internal organs and system regularly come into contact with external matters, for example through your food intake, the air we breath, drinks, etc. Your lifestyle may be healthy still, you accumulate toxins and impurities — from your diet, your interactions with others, which forms your thoughts and emotions.

All these external factors becomes toxic and block the flow of prana through the energy channels which eventually leads to imbalance. As a result, your internal organs and systems require cleansing.

The three doshas of our body namely; Vata, Pitta and Kapha which works as the pillars of the body. If the level all these three doshas remain in the same state, then the body remains healthy and disease-free. And on the contrary, due to any changes whether there’s increase or decrease in the levels of the doshas in the body, various diseases arise in the body.

The yogic cleansing is exactly like the way you take a shower to wash your outer body or brush your teeth, the practice of Shatkarmas is to cleanse and purify your mind and body internally. By doing Shatkarma, the body becomes clean and pure from the inside, that is, the toxic elements of the body come out.

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What is Jal neti in Yoga?

The Sanskrit word, jal, means “water”. The original meaning of neti is “to guide”. It has also come to mean “nasal cleansing”. Therefore, Jal neti means guiding water through the nasal passages to cleanse them.

Neti is a method for purifying the nostrils and sinuses. The main aim of Jal Neti is to purify and cleanse the entire Upper Respiratory Tract right from the nostrils to the throat using lukewarm saline water. It involves pouring water in one nostril and flushing it out from the other nostril.

Thus, Jal Neti in Yoga is a way to cleanse your sinuses and consequently keep the respiratory tract clear of dirt and toxins. The sinus cavities get clogged with impurities which may cause inflammation, infections and other respiratory disorders. It is a technique used to clean the sinuses.

The sinuses are a connected system of hollow cavities is about an inch across. Our cheekbones hold maxillary sinuses. The sinus cavities get clogged with impurities which may cause infections and other problems. Nasal hygiene is very important as it is linked to many conditions like sinusitis, migraine, allergies and asthma. This has to be done in daily routine.

What are the functions of the Nasal passage?

How to clean your nasal passages?

Limitations– Nasal Obstructions, Cold 

Jal Neti Benefits-

Read More: 5 Yogic Drink Alternatives for Morning Tea/Coffee 

What are the precautions Needed for Nasal Cleaning?


Detoxifying body from inside is very important because when you eliminate the foreign particles, it has a profound and wonderful benefits to our physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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