
Yoga Asanas To Reduce Tummy Fats

In the past decade, India has seen a surge in obesity. In 2014, India ranked 5th with 9.8 million obese men, accounting for 3.7% of the global population. Among women, the ranking jumped to 3rd with around 20 million obese women, making up 5.3% of the global population【source】. Many recent research studies suggest that belly fat can trigger high blood pressure, bowel cancer, and Type-II diabetes. Common reasons for belly fat accumulation are unhealthy routines and skipping breakfast. Yoga asanas for belly fat loss are among the best ways to lose fat. Adopting a yogic lifestyle helps to achieve results faster.

Yoga advocates healthy routines and a balanced sattvic diet. Yoga and sustainable weight loss are closely related. 

Quick Yogic Lifestyle and Diet Tips to Lose Belly Fat

1. Set healthy routines. Get up early and soak in the early sun rays.

2. Eat a healthy sattvic breakfast. Avoid processed and stale foods, refined sugars, and refined flours. Include whole grains, fresh seasonal vegetables, and natural sweeteners like honey and jaggery.

3. Be active; gentle yoga exercises are the best way to lose tummy fat.

4. Gradually reduce meal portion sizes. Do not overeat, and chew your food properly.

5. Reduce cups of tea and coffee. Switch to green tea, which naturally detoxes and helps to reduce overall fats.

Read Here About Sattvic Diet – http://theyogainstitute.org/what-is-sattvic-diet/ 

Yoga Asanas to Lose Be lly Fat

Paschimottanasana (The Posterior Stretch)

The word ‘paschim’ means ‘west’ and refers to the posterior of the body. ‘Uttana’ means stretching. This posture creates deep intra-abdominal compression and massages the abdominal viscera. The abdominal region gets a fresh supply of oxygenated blood, improving the digestive system. Regularly doing this asana helps to reduce belly fat.

Read Here How to Do Paschimottasana – http://theyogainstitute.org/yogendra-paschimottanasana/ 

Ardhamatsyendrasana (Spinal Half-Twist)

Named after the great saint Matsyendranath, the Guru of Sage Gorakshanatha, this asana improves venous blood flow in the abdominal region during the twisting position. The twisting action helps to reduce the side fats around the abdominal region. It massages the deep and superficial muscles of the abdominal region and improves spinal circulation. This pose is very helpful in tummy fat reduction, managing diabetes, colitis, and cervical spondylitis.

Pavanmuktasana (The Anti-Flatus Pose)

This asana is excellent for releasing gas from the digestive tract and is best practiced in the morning before any other asanas. It provides significant relief from flatulence by quickening the movement and expulsion of intestinal gas. This asana improves the function of the abdominal viscera, dissolves abdominal fats, and tones the abdominal muscles.

Pranayama Techni ques to Lose Belly Fat

Pranayama IV (Di aphragm Breathing)

This pranayama exerci ses the diaphragm, a musculo-membranous partition separating the thoracic and abdominal cavities. It reduces fat collected around the stomach, improves vital capacity and tidal volume, and has a sedative effect on the nervous system, relaxing the entire body.

Bhastrika (Bellows Breath)

The Sanskrit word ‘bhastrika’ means ‘ bellows’. This pranayama increas es the flow of air into the body to generate heat, stoking the inner fire of mind and body. It helps to reduce belly fat, oxygenates the blood, and increases the vitality of all the abdominal organs and tissues. It strengthens and tones the abdominal region, energizing the entire body and mind.

Recommended Kriya to Reduce Belly Fat

Yogendra Vamandhouti

Also known as stomach wash (gastric auto lavage), this kriya is referred to as Kunjala, Gajakarni, and Gajakarma by various authorities. It is a simple and safe technique for maintaining proper hygiene of the alimentary canal. This kriya is useful for obesity, diabetes, gas, flatulence, and constipation, and it detoxifies the entire digestive system.

Lose Belly Fat with Yoga and Improve Your Holistic Health

By incorporating yoga asanas for belly fat loss into your routine, you can trim the belly fat, improve holistic health, and achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Yoga for belly fat not only helps to reduce the tummy fat but also enhances overall well-being. Yoga to lose belly fat and yoga to reduce belly fat are effective and sustainable methods to achieve a healthy and fit body. Embrace these yoga poses for belly fat and experience the transformation in your health and fitness.
