Yoga, Diet & Weight loss ( Yoga For Weight Loss)

weight loss Yoga, Diet & Weight loss

Healthy weight loss is possible with proper yogic diet and regular asana practise. We all struggle with weight-loss and get obsessed with getting a thin waist. Not eating, eating less or crash dieting is totally the wrong way to go.

Here are some important Yogic Diet tips on how to eat, what to eat and when to eat to lose body fat and reduce overall weight the healthy way.

Yogic Diet Tips

Must Know: 10 Fitness Goals You Should Aim for Weight Management 

Mind is the Key…yes that’s right what you think you can achieve

All it takes is a sincere effort, determination and discipline to get there. Pranayama is a good way to control your breath and the mind. Pranayama yoga reduces stress and breathing yogic techniques helps in weight reduction. When mind in calm, emotions are in check. Many of us emotional eaters eat to fill the void. Simple yogic techniques helps and overeating can be easily controlled.

Below mentioned are 3 pranayama techniques that can easily done from the comfort of your own home. Benefits are tremendous try today…

Anulom Vilom Pranayama or Nadi Shodhana Pranayama– This paranayma balances out the pranic channels. When done regularly the Ida and Pingala nadis get balanced. This in turn stimulates the central channel called Sushumna Nadi. Thus, this pranayama helps to balance out two hemispheres of the brain. Healing and bringing about peace and tranquility. It removes toxins from the body. Check out beginner yoga pranayama video for details 



Yogendra Pranayama IV– Breathing becomes long, deep, steady and continuous. The diaphragm is activated and freed. Lungs utilization becomes fuller. Abdominal organs are relaxed and revitalized. Balance is restored at emotional and mental levels. Get all the detail watch the video 

Bhastrika involves brisk & forced deep inhalation & exhalation. The movements are just like an iron smith’s bellow. This should be done lying down on either side. Bhastrika Pranayama oxygenates the blood and helps to heal all the tissues & organs. It regulates the endocrine glands to function optimally. Individuals suffering from obesity due to malfunction of the thyroid gland will find Bhastrika to be a very useful technique.

Also try out Recommended yoga asanas for reduction of belly fat

All forward bending asanas such as ( Yoga for Weight loss)   

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