Yoga healing for Osteoporosis

Yoga healing for Osteoporosis

Globally more than 8.9 million are affected by osteoporosis and roughly fracture occurs every 3 seconds. An estimated 200 million women suffer from osteoporosis.  Women who have undergone menopause are most likely to develop osteoporosis, but it also affects young males and females.

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disorder associated with old age. It is a bone disease. Its name has its origin in Latin meaning “porous bones.” A healthy bone has small spaces, imagine structure similar to a honeycomb. With old age, wear and tear the size of these areas increases, and the bone loses strength and density. Due to this, the bone grows thinner and weaker.

Few facts about Osteoporosis


  1. Back pain
  2. Fractured or collapsed vertebra
  3. Loss of height over a period
  4. A stooped posture
  5. Frequent bone fractures


Yogic Lifestyle Choices and Dietary Discipline Tips


                                                                           Warrior Pose

Recommended Yoga Asanas, Pranayamas and Relaxation

Yoga Asanas helps in strength training and balance and precisely aligning the body. Thus automatically contributes to reducing probable injury due to imbalance. All standing yoga poses to strengthen the hips. Mild back bending Yoga Asanas help to build the strength of the spine and useful for decompressing the vertebrae. Blood circulation is improved and as a result better absorption of nutrients.

Yoga Asanas-Hasta Padangusthasana (I, II, III, IV), Setu Bandhasana, Bhujangasana, Warrior Pose, Ekapadasana, Utkatasana

PranayamasYogendra Pranayama I,  II,  III and  IV


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