Yoga, Positivity and Mental Health

Destiny shaped by thoughts (Vichar), hence necessary to keep the mind positive, balanced and healthy. Positive thinking keeps mental and emotional attitude in check (Bhavas training helps). A positive person anticipates happiness and health and success and believes he/she can overcome any obstacle and difficulty. To have to use it in your life and you need to be more than just to be aware of its existence. You need to adopt the attitude of positive thinking on a daily basis and in everything you do.

Positive Thinking in our daily lives…lets have a look at a common scenario and how two individuals dealt with it differently

Raghu applied for a new job, but he didn’t believe he will get it, since his self-esteem was low, and he considered himself as a failure and unworthy of success. He had a negative attitude toward himself, and therefore, believed that the other applicants were better and more qualified than him. He actually, anticipated failure.

On the day of the interview to his horror he discovered that the shirt he planned to wear was dirty. Alarm did not ring on set time and he got late and he went out wearing a wrinkled shirt and without breakfast.

Naturally during —interview, he was not confident and filled with tension and negativity and worried about the wrinkled shirt. His appearance and behaviour made a bad impression and his fear was realised and he did not get the job.

Reshma also applied for the same job. Her approach was different. She visualised the day of interview and pre-planned what she will wear and had a spare dress ironed and handy. She practised for the interview. She visualised herself getting to the job interview and clearing the questions. On the day of interview she got up on time, eat light breakfast and arrived at the scheduled time.

Reshma got the job and made a good impression. No magic here to decode …everything happened in a natural manner.

Moral of the story- This is how positivity helps.

People are more receptive to positivity and tendency to attract like-minded positive people is higher. On a subconscious level; thoughts, feelings, body language and words all should be positive.

On other hand negativity tends to attract negative thoughts and negative people.

Once a negative thought enters your mind, be aware of it and make an effort to replace it with a positive one. If the negative thought returns, replace it again with a positive one. Persistence is the key to ignore negative thoughts.

Yoga offers a wide variety of solutions that helps to control the negative thoughts and infuses positivity and mental balance through constant practice.

Daily practice of mediation keeps the mind in a balanced and positive state. For more information on mediation articles and yoga poses etc. Check out the summer meditation camp offering we have Click Here

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