Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which a woman’s hormones are affected. In this condition, a woman’s body generates abnormal amounts of male hormones i.e. androgens. This kind of hormonal imbalance is caused by the ovaries and leads to irregular periods which become a cause for difficulties in conceiving.
PCOS Symptoms
According to recent research and studies, Yoga has proved to be beneficial in managing the symptoms of PCOS in women. By practising Yoga poses for PCOS, you will be able to regulate your hormones and menstrual cycles. Yoga also helps in reducing testosterone, stress and anxiety and boosts happy hormones which calm and relax the mind. Additionally, it speeds up metabolism which further helps in weight loss.
Also, PCOS is one such condition in which the cause is unknown and there is no cure for the medical issue. However, one can manage the symptoms of PCOS by taking care of their daily routines, eating habits, physical exercise and stress management. When you begin to work on your body and mind on a regular basis, you will notice a change in your weight and moods.
Below are a few Yoga asanas for PCOS:
1. Matsyasana - The Fish Posture
Variation 1 - Method of Practice
Starting Position
1. Sit in Padmasana.
2. Inhaling, recline backwards, supporting your body with your arms and elbows and lie down.
3. Cradle your head with your hands
4. Close your eyes.
5. Maintain the pose for six seconds retaining the breath or stay in the position breathing normally or practise abdominal breathing.
Posture Release
6. Unclasp your hands, exhaling and taking support of your hands to come back to the sitting position.
1. It strengthens and tones the pelvic floor and sphincter muscles.
2. It helps in relieving disorders of the pelvic organs, especially the reproductive organs and maintains the health of the reproductive organs and glands by improving blood circulation in the area.
3. It lessens stress and irritation.
2. Bhadrasana - The Auspicious Posture
Method of Practice
Starting Position
1. Sit erect with your legs outstretched and hands at the sides.
2. Bending both your knees, bring the soles of both your feet together.
3. Use your hands to bring the soles of the feet as close to your body as possible.
4. Once your feet are closest to the body, keep holding it, trying to push the knees down to the floor. You can also use both your palms to gently push the knees downwards in case Step 3 is difficult.
5. Once your knees are as far down as possible, hold the feet with your hands, close your eyes, breathe normally and watch your breath. Or, you can place your palms on your knees.
Posture Release
6. Gently opening the eyes releases one leg at a time to return to the starting position.
1. It helps stretch the muscles of the inner side of thighs and specifically the insides of pelvis, groin and reproductive organs.
2. The lower body benefits from the increased blood flow.
3. It calms the mind by reducing stress.
Must Know: Yoga for PCOD, Menstrual issues and leucorrhea
3. Dhanurvakrasana - The Bow Posture
Method of Practice
Starting Position
1. Lie down on your stomach on a mat with your hands by the side.
2. Bend your knees and fold your legs towards the back.
3. Grasp the ankles of your legs.
4. Inhaling, raise your head upwards and simultaneously pull your legs upwards, arching the spine, keeping both the legs together.
5. While retaining your breath, maintain the position for six seconds.
Posture Release
6. Exhaling, lower the legs and head. Release the grasp on your ankles and return to the starting position.
1. It increases blood circulation in the abdominal and reproductive organs.
2. It reduces stress and fatigue.
3. It helps depression-related conditions and calms your mind.
4. Bhujangasana - The Cobra Posture
Method of Practice
Starting Position
1. Lie down on your stomach on a mat with your hands at the sides of your body.
2. Bending at the elbows, place your palms facing down near your chest, keeping your elbows close to your body.
3. Inhaling, raise your head and neck upwards to look up towards the ceiling. Raise your upper body only until the navel and not more. Make sure that your feet remain together and not get separated.
4. Remain in the final position holding your breath for six seconds.
Posture Release
5. Exhaling, bring your head, neck and torso down to rest on the mat.
1. Aids in menstrual and gynaecological disorders.
2. It makes you feel more at ease by relaxing your mind and body.
Pranayamas for PCOS
Yoga is not just limited to asanas; it also includes Pranayamas for stress reduction and relaxation of the mind. PCOS is a psychosomatic disorder that needs to be treated at the physical as well as the mental level. Yoga provides treatment for both the body and mind through the practice of asanas and pranayamas respectively.
Below are a few effective Pranayamas for PCOS:
1. Yogendra Pranayama 9 - Yogendra Anuloma Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
Method of Practice
Starting Position
1. Sit erect preferably in either Padmasana or Sukhas ana or in any meditative posture of your choice. Place your hands on the knees, palms facing down.
2. Close your eyes or fix your gaze at one point ahead (it is best to keep your eyes closed once you are comfortable with the practice).
3. Use your little finger or ring finger and thumb of your right hand to manipulate the closing and opening of your nostrils.
1. Gently close the left nostril with your ring or little finger (or both) and inhale slowly for two seconds through the right nostril.
2. Hold your breath for four seconds by closing your right nostril (both nostrils will be closed at this stage).
3. Open your left nostril and exhale for two seconds.
4. Inhale immediately from the same nostril (left) for two seconds.
5. Hold your breath for four seconds by closing both the nostrils.
6. Open your right nostril and exhale for two seconds.
7. Close both your nostrils and suspend your breath for two seconds.
8. Suspend.
9. Repeat the entire process by opening your left nostril and begin by inhaling from the left and continue to complete one round.
1. It aids in the resolution of psychosomatic problems.
2. Experience tranquillity and inner peace.
2. Yogendra Pranayama 4 - Diaphragmatic Breathing
Method of Practice
Starting Position
1. Lie on your back, knees bent and feet close to your hips. The knees and feet should be close to each other.
2. Place one hand lightly on your navel, the other hand by your side.
3. Inhale slowly, gradually and fully so that your diaphragm pushes your abdomen out.
4. Exhaling, let the abdomen fall down.
5. Keep the count of inhalation and exhalation the same. Maintain your ratio. There is no retention or suspension of breath.
6. Practise continuously for about 5-10 rounds.
1. It relaxes the mind and has a calming effect on the nervous system.
Read More: How to manage menopause symptoms naturally with Yoga?
Lifestyle Changes for PCOS
Apart from practising asanas and pranayamas, you also need to take care of your diet. It is very important that you eat healthy, fresh, nutritious food. Try to eat Sattvik food and include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Avoid junk, processed and packaged foods. Have timely meals and eat in moderation.
Secondly, have set routines where you wake up early, do your asanas and pranayamas followed by breakfast. In between your work, try, and do stretches and you can also go for a walk. Ensure that there is maximum movement during the entire day and sleep on time at night.
Through regular Yoga practice, you can effectively manage your PCOS symptoms. You will start to lose weight, your stress level will decrease, and your blood circulation will improve, all of which will aid in the regulation of your menstrual cycles.
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