
Anulom Vilom Pranayama

https://theyogainstitute.org/anulom-vilom-pranayama/ What is Anulom Vilom?

Anulom Vilom, also known as Alternate Nostril Breathing or Nadi Shodhana Pranayama , is a noteworthy yogic technique involving the control of subtle pranic energies (vital force or bio-energies) flowing through specific channels in the body. These channels, known as 'ida' and 'pingala' nadis, cannot be anatomically indicated but play a crucial role in balancing the body's energies. Regular practice of Anulom Vilom helps to balance the energies flowing through these nadis and stimulates the central channel called Sushumna Nadi. This purification process helps eliminate free radicals and toxins, restoring balance between the brain's hemispheres and purifying the nervous system, leading to mental calm, peace, and tranquility.

How to Do Anulom Vilom?

Let us learn how to do Anulom vilom?

1. Sit in a Meditative Posture: Choose any meditative posture, such as Sukhasana or Padmasa sukhasana na.

2. Maintain an Upright Spine: Ensure your spine is straight.

3. Block the Right Nostril: Using your right thumb, block your right nostril. Inhale through the left nostril for 2 seconds. Block both nostrils and hold the breath for 4 seconds. (Note: Cardiac patients, blood pressure patients, and pregnant women should not hold their breath. Just keep inhaling and exhaling.)

4. Exhale through the Right Nostril: Keep the left nostril blocked and release the right nostril. Exhale through the right nostril for 2 seconds. Now inhale through the right nostril for 2 seconds. Block both nostrils and hold the breath for 4 seconds. Keep the right nostril blocked and release the left nostril. Exhale for 2 seconds from the left nostril. Block both nostrils and hold the breath for 2 seconds. This completes one round.

5. Repeat the Cycle: Start the cycle again, this time inhaling from the right nostril. Repeat for a maximum of 10 rounds. With regular practice, try to increase the counts of inhalation and exhalation, maintaining the ratio of equal counts for inhalation, exhalation, and suspension of the breath while holding the breath for double the duration.

The above are the simple steps on how to do Anulom vilom?

Types of Anulom Vilom

There are no distinct types of Anulom Vilom as it is a specific pranayama practice, but variations can occur in the duration of inhalation, exhalation, and breath retention based on one's experience and comfort level.

Benefits of Anulom Vilom

Let’s look at some of the benefits of Anulom Vilom

1. Mental Health: Relieves depression, stress, and anxiety.

2. Respiratory Health: Treats respiratory disorders such as asthma and bronchitis.

3. Overall Health: Helps alleviate serious health issues like heart problems, severe depression, high blood pressure, arthritis, and migraine pain.

4. Positive Thinking: Helps overcome negative thoughts and emotions such as anger, forgetfulness, uneasiness, and frustrations.

5. Cognitive Improvement: Enhances concentration, patience, focus, decision-making ability, and creativity.

6. Dosha Balance: Balances the Vata, Kapha, and Pitta doshas.

7. Lung Capacity: Improves lung capacity and oxygenation throughout the body.

8. Weight Loss: Aids in weight loss and streamlines metabolism.

9. Common Ailments: Alleviates common disorders such as constipation, acidity, allergic problems, asthma, and snoring.

10. Skin Health: Promotes naturally glowing skin .

11. Diabetes Management: Helps keep diabetes under control.

12. Relieves Other Issues: Addresses fever, eye concerns, and ear issues.

Anulom Vilom is an easy-to-do yoga therapy that offers complete relaxation of the mind, body, and soul. It can be practiced anytime and anywhere, even from the comfort of your home or office chair. For optimal benefits, practice Anulom Vilom Pranayama 4-5 hours after meals, either in the morning or evening. However, cardiac patients and those with high blood pressure should avoid holding their breath and focus on continuous inhaling and exhaling.

Start practicing Anulom Vilom today and experience the profound benefits of anulom vilom

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