
Mudras for a Glowing Skin

The five elements of nature – agni (fire), vayu (air), akasha (space/ether), prithvi (earth) and jala (water) provide the fundamental basis for our bodily existence. Whenever there is a disturbance in these elements, it can lead to an imbalance which causes disease.

The fingers of our hands have a great significance as the five elements are represen ted on the five fingers of hand. Yoga Mudras, often performed with hands are special gestures which are practised for various therapeutic purposes. Mudras are hand gestures which direct energy flow to certain areas in the brain. These gestures are included in meditation to cure diseases and to bring mental and physical harmony as they increase the flow of prana or bio-energy in the body. There is a connection between the nerve endings on the fingers during a mudra and this leads to creation of a connection with significant areas in the brain. In this way energy is balanced and rerouted to bring the intended changes in the body.

In the quest for a glowing skin, many peopl e try several skin care products but they tend to ignore Yoga in addressing skin problems. This is so because a soft and beautiful skin is considered very important in the conventional definition of human beauty.

Our skin, the largest organ in our body is exposed to the elements most of the time and braves the changing weather conditions. It is also the first layer of our body through which we receive energizing rays of the sun and vitamin D. However, it is also the layer through which harmful infectious microbes enter to cause harm and diseases.

Yoga can contribute much in the alleviation of skin problems. In yogic practices, the energy of the elements of nature is harnessed effectively to work wonders on the skin and cure diseases. The effects of practices such as hand mudras is visible soon after one begins to practice regularly. Regular practice of mudras has shown to alleviate the symptoms of skin diseases like psoriasis. Mudras also relieve the effects of digestive imbalances caused by stress and other psychosomatic issues which give rise to skin problems.

The working of the mudras can be explained by their ability to vitalise the prana or bio-energy which charges every cell of the body and controls its functioning. Mudras regulate the prana and create a circuit of energy which connects all parts of the body including the skin and thus rejuvenates the skin.

The healthy glow and lustre of our skins is restored by mudras such as Varun Mudra and Prithvi Mudra. These mudras are linked with the water and earth elements. The earth element, when activated, generates fresh skin cells. To supplement this freshness, the water element, if activated, keeps these cells moisturised. Some mudras encourage deep breathing which enriches our blood with oxygen and when it is circulated to the topmost layers of the skin, it enables the removal of dead cells and provides nourishment to healthy cells. Mudras also relieve stress thereby increasing immunity to all kinds of diseases and skin allergies.

Listed below are 7 yoga mudras that will not only help to cure skin problems but also give you a glowing complexion. So let’s look at how Yoga can help you with your skin problems.

1.Varun Mudra

This mudra works like a magical formula for bringing a glow to your skin. Varun is the name of the water god – one who bestows us with the blessing of rain and water. Therefore, this mudra is associated with the water element and vitalizes the skin by balancing the water content in the body and hydrating it. The most important benefit of Varun mudra is that circulation of fluids in the body is activated and thus the whole body is moisturised thus making your skin clearer than before. This relieves skin problems such as dryness and prevents acne. Another benefit of Varun Mudra is that chronic health issues such as anaemia and muscle cramps can be prevented by practicing this mudra. An invaluable benefit of this mudra is that it has a calming effect on the mind. It also prevents the disorders of kidneys and urinary bladder – organs that are involved with removal of liquid waste from the body. This mudra stimulates the Swadhisthana or Sacral Chakra.



2. Apana Mudra

This mudra of purification cleans the body and detoxifies it from waste that can potentially cause skin diseases. This mudra balances the earth, water, and air elements in the body and thus regulates the flow of prana or bio-energy. It provides nourishment to the skin and vitalizes dull skin. It facilitates the excretion of wastes in the form of sweat from the body. It gives relief from menstrual cramps. This mudra stimulates the Manipura chakra which regulates digestion and thereby gives efficient nutrition supply to the skin throughout the body.


Must Watch: 7 Chakras of Kundalini Yoga 

3. Prithvi mudra

A notable benefit of Prithvi mudra is that it enhances the inherent shine of your skin and improves your complexion. This mudra is related to the earth element and it promotes blood circulation in your body. This improved circulation is a great benefit of the Prithvi Mudra. It provides essential vitamins and minerals for glowing skin and lustrou s hair. It strengthens bones and helps in weight gain. Another benefit of Prithvi mudra is that regular practice of this mudra also reduces lethargy and general debility of body and mind. A spiritual benefit of the regular practice of Prithvi mudra is that it can activate the Muladhara Chakra.



4. Prana Mudra

This mudra is beneficial for improving your immunity and thus offers a resistance against any types of skin infections. Another benefit of Prana Mudra is that it maintain energy levels during times when you take less food and water, practice this mudra. A third noteworthy benefit that Prithvi Mudra affords is that it also relieves migraine and headaches. This mudra can be performed every day as a part of your routine. 


5. Brahma Mudra

Brahma is synonymous with creation. This mudra creates energy by attaching fists to each other and lights up our internal body which is then reflected outwardly in the form of glowing skin. If accompa nied by pranayama practices such as bhastrika, anulom vilom or kapalabhati;  this mudra directs blood flow to the skin and nourishes it. This spiritually uplifting mudra reduces stress and anxiety and harmonises the endocrine system.  This mudra stimulates the Manipura chakra and the Vishuddhi  Chakra.


Learn More: Best Yoga Mudras to get Rid of Pimples Naturally at Home.

6.Kaki Mudra

While practicing Kaki Mudra, one’s mouth resembles a crow’s beak. This mudra involves cooling breath and is similar to the cooling pranayama such as sitali and seetkari. It imparts coolness to facial muscles and calms the mind while stimulating the salivary glands.  Deep inhalation during this mudra provides oxygenation to the blood which is circulated to the skin through the different layers. The mouth is pursed to perform this mudra and this stimulates the facial muscles and prevents formation of fine lines and wrinkles on the facial skin. This mudra stimulates the Vishuddhi Chakra.


7. Yoni Mudra 

Yoni Mudra replicates the feeling of being in the womb by a withdrawal of sensory inputs. This will also stop the unnecessary chattering of your mind to provide the silence needed to see things clearly. The Yoni Mudra is a unique psycho-physical technique practiced at The Yoga Institute.

Yoni Mudra is beneficial to strengthen your nervous system as it provides the necessary pause required from the bombardment of sensory inputs. In this way, it brings a distracted mind to attentiveness and provides clarity of thought. Deep, slow respiration in this mudra replenishes the prana or bio-energy and prevents skin disorders by expelling toxins. It also soothes the nervous system and allows the blood to react with the fresh air thus reducing pigmentation and itching of skin. It also imparts a restorative and relaxing effect on the face and eyes muscles. It may stimulate the Muladhara Chakra if practiced regularly.


People who are depressed may find this mudra challenging. In that case, they can do it along with counting numbers or seconds in their head.

To maintain a healthy disease-free and allergy-free skin that glows with vitality, it is also essential to be mindful of your lifestyle. Planning a balanced diet, drinking enough water, detoxifying your system regularly, getting plenty of fresh air and exercise, sleeping well, and having a stress-free social environment also plays a major role in your physical appearance and the tone of your skin in particular.  Unhealthy lifestyles lead to illnesses and makes your skin appear dull and lifeless.

Yogic mudras naturally energize your body and mind and safely eliminate toxins that cause skin damage. With regular practice, these mudras work on the subtle processes going on in the body and overhaul the system to bring a natural glow to your skin.

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