
Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation

Yoga for meditation, how to do it? How to do meditation for beginners? How does guided meditation help? What are the benefits of guided mediation? It is Self-healing meditation? What is success mantra of meditation? How to start meditation at home?

Well you can get answers to all these questions and much more…read on

Guided meditation defined

Guided meditation can be defined as a relaxation technique with the help of a guru or a guide. This is especially beneficial for beginners who have just started the meditation journey. It is one the most rewarding experiences where you can reduce your fears, stress, anxiety and get to a positive frame of mind and peaceful bliss.

Guided meditation technique simplified

It is a simple process. You can experience guided meditation in a meditation class with the assistance of a meditation-teacher or you can do this at home with the help of a guided meditation tape or recording. Many would want to know ‘APP stats,’ but that takes you away from a holistic experinancial approach. Hands free recording is recommended.

General Process of guided meditation

Sit in a dim lit room, which exudes soothing calming vibes. Place the yoga mat in a neat and clean area. Room should be airy. Wear comfortable clothes. Sit in any meditative posture- Sukhasana (yoga po se for beginners) or Padmasana (yoga pose for little advanced students)

# Tip 1 Guided Meditation

# Tip 1 Guided Meditation

# Tip 2 Room should be airy and clean

# Tip 2 Room should be airy and clean

# Tip 3 Sukhasana - yoga pose for beignners

# Tip 3 Sukhasana - yoga p ose for beignners

# Tip 4 Lotus pose or Padamasana

# Tip 4 Lotus pose or Padamasana

# Tip 6 Guide Meditation for a Happy Fulfilling Life

# Tip 6 Guide Meditation for a Happy Fulfilling Life

Sit in a comfortable position with back straight, chin parallel to the ground. Facial muscles relaxed and then you listen to the guide; who will instruct you to relax in a conscious way. It is a slow and gradual process, you will notice with enough practice your mind learns to relax and stress, anxiety and fears fade away. There is a refreshing clarity of mind. When this state is reached, positive affirmations or suggestions are given by the guide, to take you to a deeper inner journey towards your subconscious mind. This helps to improve one or more aspects of the student’s life depending upon his or her requirement. Hence, guided meditation can be customized by the teacher as per individual student requirement. For example- Some might require personal empowerment or let go attitude. Other might require direction towards positive thinking. Another might need to focus on emotional healing and spiritual development. In most meditation classes, a guided meditation is generally done for about 15-20 minutes; but with practice the longer you do this meditation, better will be the experience and positive benefits.

Benefits of guided meditation

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