Ujjayi Pranayama, often referred to as the victorious breath, is a powerful technique in yoga. The term "Ujjayi" means "victory," symbolizing the liberation it offers from physical and mental bondage. This pranayama is a crucial aspect of the eight Kumbhakas in Hatha Yoga .
How to Do Ujjayi Pranayama
Before diving into Ujjayi Pranayama, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the correct method and positioning.
Starting Position:
Begin in Sukhasana (Easy Pose) or any comfortable meditative posture. If sitting on the floor is not feasible, use a firm chair with an erect backrest. Ensure that your body above the waist is straight and your spine is erect. You may keep your eyes closed for better concentration.
Steps for Ujjayi Pranayama:
1. Constrict the Throat: Close your mouth and gently constrict the throat, specifically the glottis (a part of the larynx).
2. Begin Inhalation: Start with a short exhalation, then inhale slowly and rhythmically in one long, continuous breath.
3. Create the Sound: Allow the air to flow through the constricted throat, generating a soft, friction-like sound.
4. Complete Inhalation: Continue inhaling until you feel a sense of fullness in the chest.
5. Retention: Hold the breath for about 6 seconds, ideally double the inhalation period.
6. Posture Check: Ensure that your spine, head, and neck remain erect throughout.
7. Relax Facial Muscles: Keep the facial muscles relaxed, avoid constricting the nose, and maintain a slow, smooth inhalation.
8. Natural Exhalation: Exhale gradually and naturally, avoiding any jerky movements.
9. Rest: After completing the cycle, take a few normal breaths and relax.
Recommended Practice for Ujjayi Pranayama:
Practice Ujjayi Pranayama daily with 5 rounds per session, taking pauses between each round. Start with an inhalation count of 3 seconds and a retention of 6 seconds. Gradually increase the duration by 1 second each week, adjusting according to your comfort level.
Limitations / Contraindications:
Avoid practicing Ujjayi Pranayama if you have serious cardiac or hypertension issues. It can be done without breath retention if needed.
Benefits of Ujjayi Pranayama:
1. Fluid Retention: Helps in reducing edema or dropsy.
2. Clears Phlegm: Aids in alleviating phlegm and boosting appetite.
3. Health Benefits: Useful for chronic cold, cough, indigestion, liver issues, dysentery, and fever.
4. Purification: Assists in Ghatashudhhi, the purification of the seven dhatus (elements) – skin, flesh, blood, bones, marrow, fat, and semen.
5. Voice Enrichment: Enhances the quality of the voice.
6. Thyroid Balance: Stimulates and balances the thyroid gland.
Incorporate Ujjayi Pranayama into your daily routine to experience its profound benefits and achieve a state of calm and balance.