Hot summer days are over. Some respite from May heat. A welcome change Monsoon is here! It’s a time to enjoy Mother Nature’s natural pristine beauty and bounty. Lush green fields, joyful mountains, happy flowing rivers just calms the mind and soothes the soul.
Children playing in the rains, families enjoying get-together and relishing “hot pakoras” or “bhajiyas” such scenarios are common. Also, common are water-borne diseases, respiratory allergies, fever, flu, cold, upset stomach etc.
Inculcating healthy daily diet routines and yoga practices help to strengthen the immune system can keep Monsoon related health hazards at bay.
Yogi Diet recipe and tips
Try out refreshing Tulsi Ginger Green Tea especially in-between meals. This yogic recipe is quick and easy and will help in digestion and strengthens the immune system as well.
– 2 cup of water, Boil the water
– 1 tablespoons green tea leaves or use a green tea bag.
– ¼ inch ginger washed and grated.
– 4-5 Tulsi (Holy Basil) leaves (Rinsed with water)
– ¼ tablespoon honey (optional)
– Pinch of salt to taste (optional)
Boil 2 cups of water. Add green tea leaves or use green tea bags. Add grated ginger and tulsi leaves (Holy Basil). Steam for 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Set is aside for few minutes (2 minutes.) Add honey and pinch of salt. Serve immediately.
Benefits of Tulsi Ginger Green Tea
Considering the health benefits a must try green recipe for the monsoon season. Melt the belly fat easy way!
Anulom Vilom Pranayama This Pranayama balances out the pranic channels. It removes toxins from the body.
Check out beginner yoga pranayama video for details
Bhujangasana Effective Yoga Exercise to try this monsoon. Bhujangasana helps to open the chest region and stimulates the thymus gland (vital gland that aids in improving the immune system by releasing T cells)
Check out the video for details
Naukasana Npose helps in improving the body’s overall immunity. This yoga exercise strengthens your abdominal organs, liver, and pancreas. It aids immensely in decreasing belly fat. It is an important pose that helps to improve digestion.
Playing in the rains or enjoying Monsoon outdoors with family is one of the best things you can do. But safeguard your family with these yogic diet tips, recipe, and simple yoga asanas.