Yogendra Yogamudra; the symbol of yoga. (Cultural Asanas–for f orward bending of the spine.)
If you were wondering what is Yogmudra in Yoga then you have come to the right place.
Yogamudra represents the symbol of Yoga. It recreates the human form in its role of being a part of the Divine. It brings about humility in the presence of achievement; grace and modesty within greatness. It is the emblem of great understanding and wisdom which knows the frailty of human nature and also its boundless potential. That is what Yogamudra is in Yoga.
Starting position: Sit in Padmasana/ Sukhasana and hold the hands behind, the right hand grasping the left wrist. Focus at one point straight ahead, breath normal.
1. Exhaling, in 3 seconds, bend forward arching the spine to touch the forehead to the ground. Tuck in the abdomen and relax the shoulders (no exaggerated drooping). Ensure no movement below the waist.
2. Maintain this position for 6 seconds, suspending the breath.
3. Inhaling, in 3 seconds, gently raise the head and straighten the back to return to the starting position.
4. Exhaling, in 3 seconds, twist the body (waist above) to the right and bend forward to touch the right knee with the forehead.
5. Maintain this position for 6 seconds, suspending the breath.
6. Inhaling, in 3 seconds, gently raise the head, untwist and straighten the back to return to the starting position.
7. Repeat the above steps (4 to 6), without pause, to the left, to complete 1 round.
8. Recommended practice: Practice 3 rounds, with a pause between rounds.
Assume the position as explained above. Maintain this pose for 30 seconds, gradually taking it up to 1/2 minutes with regular practice. Breathing should be normal–slow and rhythmic.
1. Spinal injury and abnormalities, severe back problem and cervical and lumbar spondylosis.
2. Hypertension, serious cardiac conditions, high BP, hernia and high myopia.
3. Acute and resolving disc prolapsed (slip disc), acute pain of neck and back, the stiffness of back and joints, bulging tummy.
1. Stretches the posterior muscles of the trunk and the neck.
2. An important benefit of the Yogamudra pose is that it improves muscle tone and venous circulation of the spinal column.
3. Favourable effects on the viscera due to deep intra-abdominal compression.
4. A significant benefit of the Yogmudra pose is the lateral stretch which stimulates vital areas of the colon.
5. Acceleration of the venous flow from the sex organs has a favourable effect.
6. The compression of the diaphragm and the abdominal walls provide massage to the abdominal contents useful in gastric conditions is another notable benefit of the Yogamudra pose.
7. Ascending and descending colon gets good pressure thereby alleviating constipation.
8. Helps prevent sagging of uterus and postnatal laxities.
9. Lumbar pain is alleviated.
10. Overall, improves the health of the abdomen and pelvic organs due to good blood circulation and drainage.
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